
barbeque是什么意思 barbeque在线翻译 barbeque什么意思 barbeque的意思 barbeque的翻译 barbeque的解释 barbeque的发音 barbeque的同义词


barbeque 双语例句

1. Bree: No, no, no, it's just a little barbeque sauce.

2. On Earth, they are found anywhere combustion reactions take place, such as barbeque pits and exhaust pipes.

3. Hi everyone. I just got back from dinner. We went to a Korean barbeque place in Scottsdale; it was really good.
    大家好,我刚吃完晚餐回来,今晚我们在 Scottsdale 吃韩国烤肉,很棒的晚餐。

4. Especially the side of the barbeque pork with honey, contains aroma of charcoals, it's just so unique!

5. Let's not buy that ubiquitous barbeque sauce that people always slather all over their meat.

6. My husband was going to barbeque whole tenderloin in his special marinade, and I was making a classic potato gratin.

7. barbeque什么意思

7. Tom: I thought I'd barbeque this chicken.

8. Mike: Let's not buy that ubiquitous barbeque sauce that people always slather all over their meat.

9. Ike: Let's not buy that ubiquitous barbeque sauce that people always slather all over their meat.

10. barbeque的翻译

10. Michael: I didn't know that you liked barbeque!

11. danci.911cha.com

11. We are going to barbeque/grill it.

12. The fact is that it's going to rain so we can't have our barbeque.

13. How did it go between you and that girl you met at the barbeque?

14. Some people say that the national food of Australia is the barbeque.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. All right, I've got some great barbeque sauce and so I should make sure to bring that along.

16. For instance, a 1.5-ounce bag of barbeque potato chips has the same number of calories as a medium baked potato, but 70 times the amount of fat and 20 times the amount of salt.

17. barbeque的意思

17. Jamie also makes a fiery chilli chutney with Welsh rarebit and steak and chips on the barbeque with Jamie's homemade tomato ketchup.

18. barbeque的翻译

18. How can I possibly abstain from falling in love with this city when it once harboured the youth of my heart and the times that I reminisce; when whenever and wherever I am, whether sitting in an air-conditioned bus, standing before each and every barbeque squid stall or evening hearing a word of the warm Wuhan dialect would constantly remind me of him?

19. danci.911cha.com

19. Therefore, he has to let his wife and his daughter-in-law to sell beef cooked with barbeque sauce in Tonghua Street at night.

20. barbeque

20. Numerous exciting events are organized every year to build and strengthen the ties between the club and its members. Some of these events include the orientation barbeque, a ski trip to the Blue Mountain, and the highlight event of the year – the annual singing contest.
      港生会每年举办的活动种类繁多,包括迎新日烧烤会,Blue Mountain的滑雪之旅,还有每年的重点节目─好评如潮的歌唱比赛。

barbeque 单语例句

1. Have chicken wings and beef slices preserved overnight, then call several friends and go barbeque together in a sunny day.

2. Try char grilled barbeque at Westin Beijing Financial Street's outdoor Zen garden.

3. The restaurant is a great place for barbeque or snacks and to rest after an eventful day of adventure.

4. There are dozens of fishing and barbeque spots in the district's 10 villages that are a perennial favorite with visiting urbanites on weekends and holidays.

5. " The barbeque shrimp is for sure my Dad's recipe, " he said.

6. Since then various activities have been planned on the Wall, including even the orgy and barbeque.

7. Return to nature this month with a barbeque buffet in the plush backyard of the Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai's Le Jardin.

8. Light your barbeque before you start preparing the ingredients, it will need time to warm up.

9. The manager said he wanted to create a cheap and clean barbeque eatery, and it seems he has achieved that goal.

10. Raclette cheese is heated on the lower level, while the pan at the top can be used to barbeque meat.

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