
barge about是什么意思 barge about在线翻译 barge about什么意思 barge about的意思 barge about的翻译 barge about的解释 barge about的发音

barge about [bɑ:dʒ əˈbaut]  [bɑrdʒ əˈbaʊt] 

barge about 基本解释


barge about是什么意思

barge about 网络解释

1. 乱碰乱撞:rapture of the deep 深海晕眩 | barge about 乱碰乱撞 | back lighting 背面照明 背面衬光, 衬托光 (摄象管)背景光

barge about 双语例句

1. This paper starts with the introduction, it tells that due to the rapid development of O. O. E. E, the insurance of it came to exist and the insurance of O. O. E. E is a kind of marine insurance. While the next part of this paper, comes to the analysation of Fixed Platform Insurance and Mobile Drilling Units Insurance, and combined with Platform Form All Risks and Drilling Barge Insurance All Risks of PICC as well. At the end of this paper, the author offers some of his advice about modify Marine Law and PICC clauses.

2. For, now, the last of the fleet of ships was round the last low point we had headed; and the last green barge, straw-laden, with a brown sail, had followed; and some ballast-lighters, shaped like a child`s first rude imitation of a boat, lay low in the mud; and a little squat shoal-lighthouse on open piles, stood crippled in the mud on stilts and crutches; and slimy stakes stuck out of the mud, and slimy stones stuck out of the mud, and red landmarks and tidemarks stuck out of the mud, and an old landing –stage and an old roofless building slipped into the the mud, and all about us was stagnation and mud.

3. With the development of the national economy, the project of regulating thedeepwater channel of the Yangtze Estuary and the main channel of the Yangtzeshould be indispensable, the paper has been systematically analyzing about theregulating projects based on the information and data collected and has obtained theimportant conclusion that the regulating projects will not bring about any greatinfluences on the pattern of the river-sea-through transportation barge.

4. barge about在线翻译

4. A barge was about a hundred yards away, waiting to return seaward

5. A barge was close inshore about a hundred yards away

6. barge about的意思

6. For see, the Queen's barge lies at the stairs, as if her Majesty were about to take water. A small boat edged down upon the dock.

7. You don't want to barge in there and demandinformation about your Tommy.

8. One day, a man named ryo sakazaki broke into the bar. he demanded information about his kidnapped sister, yuri. king tells ryo that that isn`t a way for man to barge in a bar, and if he wants information, he would have to fight her.

9. She now dressed elegantly as a man, and received all her guests. one day, a man named ryo sakazaki broke into the bar. he demanded information about his kidnapped sister, yuri. king tells ryo that that isn`t a way for man to barge in a bar, and if he wants information, he would have to fight her.

10. After analysing more than twenty thousand calculating schemes, the authors of the article come to know that the barge cost makes up about thirty to fifty percent of the total shipping cost.

11. The Research of Preventing Hammer Sinking about Suspending Hammer Winch in Piling Barge

12. I didn't barge in on your dinner to ask you about Tynan.

13. barge about的近义词

13. Tensioner system is a key attachment of pipe laying barge. Its dynamic behaviors directly influence the offshore pipe laying operations. But the dynamic research about tensioner is very rare.

14. Talking about the Collision Avoiding with the Engineering Barge in the Water Basin of Tianjin Port

15. barge about

15. If you feel perplexed, take a look at the cars as they barge about the campus, and you'll realize how sorrowful it is to be weak and feeble.

16. Barge volumes are presently averaging about 750, 000 tonnes.

17. Meanwhile, though barge freight rates ended about 8% lower during 2007, they followed a record year and ended the second highest on record.

18. The company has dominated the PRD barge team, five of about 100 T barge and 20 warehouses of a total of more than 100 T over barge.

19. They argue more, causing pa`aek to storm off to his room and then he talks to a picture of his dead mother. The father was about to barge in, but heard what his son said, so he goes off and talks to a family picture and cries out that he is doing all of this for his family and his son`s well being.

20. danci.911chaxun.com

20. There were eight of us aboard the 45-m Gulf Majesty, pulling a loaded barge about 500km outside Jacksonville, Florida, our home port, heading to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

barge about 单语例句

1. About ten warehouses belonging to a shipyard, a few cranes and a barge fell in the water.

2. An oil slick of about 100 meters in diameter was seen around the barge, the Angarsk Municipality Administration said.

3. That tanker spilled about 26 times the amount of oil held in the barge that split open in Wednesday's collision.

4. It was struck about 10 minutes later by a barge used to transport sludge and sank to the bottom of the river.

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