
based是什么意思 based在线翻译 based什么意思 based的意思 based的翻译 based的解释 based的发音 based的同义词 based的反义词 based的例句

based [beɪst]  [best] 


based 基本解释


based 网络解释

1. 基础:基于网络环境下美术教学的几点思考CAI是一种静态的改良,WBI则是一种动态的变革,基础(Based)和辅助(Assisted)虽一词之差,但其中却蕴涵着一种观念上的创新,即把现代信息技术在教育中的作用从一种辅助地位提升到一种基础地位.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 基准:Baseband transmission 基频传输 | based 基准 | Based Storage Allocation 基本储存分配器

3. 立基于:basecoat 最下一层 | based 立基于 | Basedow's disease 巴西多氏病

4. 基于:Int.Goals:国家队进球数 | Based:基于 | Division:在哪个联赛

based 单语例句

1. He was serving as the manager of a cow propagating business based in Dahe Township of Luquan City.

2. Based on a common aim of economic development, the potential of complementary trade and business relations can be further exploited.

3. Instead, it comes from a business ethic based on trust rather than litigation.

4. The only way to do good business is to have mutual confidence and trust based on a common moral issue.

5. Due to the traditional belief that business partnerships should be based on mutual trust, many small companies in China do not sign contracts with overseas customers.

6. The reporter who posted the story claimed it was based on inside information and actually was intended to bust the elopement myth.

7. Whether that judgment applies to US titles that have gone the same route is hard to say based on a single case study.

8. The municipal spokeswoman yesterday announced one new jobs creation measure, allowing ordinary employers to buy into domestic businesses based in the city's Pudong New District.

9. One International artist's agent says with more and more international shows playing here, the Chinese market is no longer buying based only on overseas reputation.

10. Investigations show that there is almost no chance of any gambler winning in online games, which are controlled by gambling firms mostly based abroad.


based 英英释义


1. having a base of operations (often used as a combining form)

    e.g. a locally based business
           an Atlanta-based company
           carrier-based planes

2. having a base

    e.g. firmly based ice

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