
be baffled是什么意思 be baffled在线翻译 be baffled什么意思 be baffled的意思 be baffled的翻译 be baffled的解释 be baffled的发音 be baffled的同义词

be baffled

be baffled 双语例句

1. However, they seem to be lost and baffled.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Do you think I will suffer myself to be baffled?

3. be baffled

3. I do not understand why plans and purposes that seemed good to my eyes should be baffled.

4. Be unable to make head or tail of something; be baffled

5. One is right to be baffled.

6. Thy Godlike crime was to be kind, 36 To render with thy precepts less 37 The sum of human wretchedness, 38 And strengthen Man with his own mind; 39 But baffled as thou wert from high, 40 Still in thy patient energy, 41 In the endurance, and repulse 42 Of thine impenetrable Spirit, 43 Which Earth and Heaven could not convulse, 44 A mighty lesson we inherit: 45 Thou art a symbol and a sign 46 To Mortals of their fate and force; 47 Like thee, Man is in part divine, 48 A troubled stream from a pure source; 49 And Man in portions can foresee 50 His own funereal destiny; 51 His wretchedness, and his resistance, 52 And his sad unallied existence: 53 To which his Spirit may oppose 54 Itself--and equal to all woes, 55 And a firm will, and a deep sense, 56 Which even in torture can descry 57 Its own concenter'd recompense, 58 Triumphant where it dares defy, 59 And making Death a Victory.
    三 你神圣的罪恶是怀有仁心,你要以你的教训减轻人间的不幸,并且振奋起人自立的精神;尽管上天和你蓄意为敌,但你那抗拒强暴的毅力,你那百折不挠的灵魂——天上和人间的暴风雨怎能摧毁你的果敢和坚忍!你给了我们有力的教训:你是一个标记,一个征象,标志着人的命运和力量;和你相同,人也有神的一半,是浊流来自圣洁的源泉;人也能够一半儿预见他自己的阴惨的归宿;他那不幸,他的不肯屈服,和他那生存的孤立无援:但这一切反而使他振奋,逆境会唤起顽抗的精神使他与灾难力敌相持,坚定的意志,深刻的认识;即使在痛苦中,他能看到其中也有它凝聚的酬报;他骄傲他敢于反抗到底,呵,他会把死亡变为胜利。

7. Years later the young woman be CAM e critically ill. The local do cto rs were baffled.

8. With respect to clause of IT Xiang Yu the Conqueror, zhu Zerong thinks a the mainest reason is the enterprise fails to realize some problems are in in development interest of consumer of serious enroach on, not be these enterprises must make provision of Xiang Yu the Conqueror, it is as time passes only, formed the habit of a be baffled and convention, looking in consumer is clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror then, the enterprise should hear what change, will affect the public letter force of the enterprise otherwise, after all which company also is not willing to become what be hit centrally by consumer bully child.

9. be baffled在线翻译

9. She declaire war to her own fate, how could she be not fully repressed in mind and baffled in life, which led her morningdie?
    她有怎能不饱含压抑、挫折而英年早逝呢?[1]128 [1]弗吉尼亚。伍尔夫。论小说与小说家。瞿世镜,译。上海:上海译文出版社,2000。

10. Most humans who try to solve the puzzle are baffled, but Griffin, watching intently from his perch on the lab counter, will demand to be brought over, peer into the mirror for perhaps half a second, triumphantly zip the nut down the right track, jerk it up through the opening, and grab it.

11. The scence baffled all description. This be cruelty beyond expression.

12. In the hydraulic design of the reciprocating baffled flocculation tank, attention should be paid to increase the quantity of small vortexes and control the reasonable effective collision of the coagulum.

13. The actuality is that singing skills of Yuqu is so dotty that Yuqu's development be baffled.

14. be baffled的意思

14. The massive group is believed to be made from hundreds of packs and has left animal experts baffled.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. The loss of homing pigeons, which can be worth up to? 200, 000, has baffled experts, but the most popular theory is the abnormal number of summer showers, sending birds off course as they attempt to fly around the downpours.

16. They can't figure out how an old coot like me can be a silver ball wizard, and I'm baffled when I can't win at Gorf or Snerg.

17. Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man's face, which appears to be gawping up at a shark.

18. The baboons have even lost their appetites, say baffled zoologists at the park, who have heard various theories as to what may be behind the animals'strange behaviour.

19. Doctors baffled by an unexplained rash on people's ears or cheeks should be on alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use, the British Association of Dermatologists said.

20. be baffled的反义词

20. The loss of homing pigeons, which can be worth up to? 200,000, has baffled experts, but the most popular theory is the abnormal number of summer showers, sending birds off course as they attempt to fly around the downpours.

be baffled 单语例句

be baffled

1. The huge piers of the bridge had been too heavy to be easily moved and baffled the searching operation.

2. China says it is " baffled " by Washington's WTO complaint but is thought to be keen to resolve the issue bilaterally.

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