
be very upset是什么意思 be very upset在线翻译 be very upset什么意思 be very upset的意思 be very upset的翻译 be very upset的解释 be very upset的发音

be very upset

be very upset 双语例句

1. Goodness```the live i`m living now seems too dull and decadent````but i`m still a optimism``kakak```although some difficult problems hv taken place in my life``such as my homework``money`ha ha `and so on ``so i hv to make great effort to solve them alone`` ```so pity ar`` `wel``few people understand me who i will treasure very much````friends ar essential in your life`````however``sometimes u must learn to be stay only by yourself``once` u go to trouble ``dun be upset and sned for sb.
    善良`` `活`我米,现在的生活似乎太单调颓废`` ``但我`米仍是一个乐观``高速公路`` `虽然有些困难高压发生在我的生命``如我的功课``钱`呵呵`等关于``所以高压作出很大的努力来解决他们独自`` ` ``所以可惜氩`` ` `` wel很少人知道我是谁我将十分珍惜``朋友``氩必需在你的生命````` ``但是有时美国必须学会将只留下自己``一旦美国` 去麻烦``逼债被打破和SNED为锑。

2. And I observe him several times Bodies of anger, the most recent experience is Move your fingers moving, my account was frozen, I was very upset because I just bought a money WLK, I bought your products, you at least want to be responsible for your goods, right?

3. Lu Tao: The most recent feel particularly bad mood, a feel bad sleep, his mind is the idea Zhibu Zhu, sometimes to one thing, and sometimes to several things, Yue Xiangyue chaos Do not want to eat, sleep a day to two hours sleep Fensan Duan old took just one fall asleep on the sweat of a wake up, just like a nightmare to do, but I do not recall dreamed up What, just feel that particularly frustrating, do think that Mo Yisi, and others do not want to chat, a person may also find it hard to Daizhuo, sometimes talking to himself, said some of the previous work-related matter, took the time I play games on the Internet, What to do while on a no trouble patience, pressure has a heart like a stone, particularly the dark in particular nausea, go out jogging, or do not want to run, either Mengpao a few hundred metres, then proceeded to Paobu Dong, upset Italy Chaos, not to call friends, listen very afraid Shitai out, do not want to take the call, sometimes suddenly Xianggan one thing, such as buying things, to the shopping centres do not want to buy, sometimes feel that they are great, as long as the wish to Are able to do good, especially when excited, will head for a variety of programmes, will be the time to think what would have what can really sit in front of the computer would like to note the time, would like to think that the mind is Part of that is no mean more time to feel worthless, can not satisfy the demands of their people, Pei Bushang others.

4. So glad to have the chance to meet you guys again and this time, I really hope there will be more interaction between us, however, SAFETY is number 1 and it`s everyone`s job to make sure all of us are safe and I`m sure we will be very upset if any activity shall be cancelled due to safety reasons, ok? See u guys tomorrow

5. After reading the verdict of " Not Guilty " from the jury on a case, the presiding judge was very upset because she believed the defendant should be guilty as sin based on the evidence.

6. A parent expressed his anger as follows: I am very upset. To increase online traffic, some indecent websites resort to every conceivable means. How harmful such things will be on our children!

7. He could be very upset and depressed.

8. Ashley appears to be very astonished and somewhat upset.

9. What seems to be the problem with you? you look very upset this morning.

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