
be weighed down是什么意思 be weighed down在线翻译 be weighed down什么意思 be weighed down的意思 be weighed down的翻译 be weighed down的解释

be weighed down

be weighed down 双语例句

1. In the course of the stacking of semi-finished products, be sure to either side of the paper were weighed down with a set of Poker.

2. Military in Iraq weighed down badly battered. This indicates a problem, to rely on a strong military force to defeat a country easily, but for the effective occupation of a country must be put in a lot of ground. The U. S.

3. First he thought he wanted everything there, and then he started trying to choose between one beautiful object and another and found it extremely hard. Anyway, he reflected, he was planning to make his getaway any day now and it would be a handicap to be weighed down with too many things.

4. It suggested that Santa's sleigh, weighed down with presents and travelling at supersonic speed, would encounter such massive air resistance that the entire contraption would burst into flames and be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second.

5. We are certainly materially better off than we were but most people still seem to be weighed down by problems.

6. You do not want to be weighed down by health issues, which will plague if not now and in the future.

7. be weighed down

7. He seemed to be weighed down by is own mistakes.

8. Don`t overwork yourself, otherwise, you will be weighed down.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. As technology changes, even Brazilian ethanol may start to be weighed down by it.

10. The worst of the financial crisis may be behind us, but the financial system remains undercapitalised and weighed down with an as yet unknown burden of doubtful assets.

11. be weighed down的解释

11. And yet this costly approach to building an online retailer has worried some analysts, who say that JD could be weighed down by its physical assets and mounting debt.

12. be weighed down是什么意思

12. Although it is understandable that as a human being you may regret your own acts, it is not wise to be endlessly weighed down by them.

13. Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.

14. I'm not going to be weighed down by your extra baggage.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. What is ironic is that adults will never lose the imagination in their childhoods completely, but soon they have to be weighed down in the reality.

16. She put down the letter, weighed every circumstance with what she meant to be impartiality deliberated on the probability of each statement but with little success.

17. Social networks can also be speedier than formal systems: in July 2002, for example, when Vivendi, a French conglomerate, was weighed down with debt and needed to raise Euro 3 billion (then $3 billion) in three days, its chief executive at the time, Jean-René Fourtou, turned to a group of bosses who were fellow rugby fans, including Claude Bébéar, then the chairman of the AXA Group, an insurance firm, and the money was secured.
      通过社交网络获取资源也可以比正式的系统更为迅捷。比如在2002年6月,当法国巨头威望迪集团被债务压垮,需要在3天内融资30亿欧元(当时相当于30亿美元)时,当时的首席执行官福尔图(Jean-René Fourtou)转而向一群同为橄榄球迷的公司老板们求助。这其中就有在当时担任保险公司AXA集团主席的贝贝阿(Claude Bébéar),这笔融资就这么成功了。

be weighed down 单语例句

1. If sand and silt had collected in their garments, the bodies could be weighed down below the surface of the water.

2. The MTI said that for the rest of 2009, these sectors will continue to be weighed down by the poor prospects for global trade.

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