
behind schedule是什么意思 behind schedule在线翻译 behind schedule什么意思 behind schedule的意思 behind schedule的翻译 behind schedule的解释

behind schedule [biˈhaind ˈʃedju:əl]  [bɪˈhaɪnd ˈskɛdʒul] 

behind schedule 基本解释

副词晚点; 落后于预定计划; 误期; 误点

behind schedule 相关例句


1. The project is behind schedule again.

behind schedule 网络解释

1. 落后于预定计划:begin with 以...开始;开始于 | behind schedule 落后于预定计划 | believe in 相信,信仰,主张

2. 晚点:ahead of schedule 提前 | behind schedule 晚点 | on schedule 按预定时间

3. behind schedule的近义词

3. 误点:101. before long 不久以后 | 102. behind schedule 误点 | 103. bent on sth. 下定决心做...

4. 不准时:to the utmost 盡力 | behind schedule 不準時 | behind the times 過時的

behind schedule 双语例句

1. behind schedule是什么意思

1. We are behind schedule on this project.

2. behind schedule的意思

2. Marshall: In my region, delivery is not a problem, but we're often behind schedule.

3. behind schedule

3. Marshall: In my region, delivery is not a problem, but were often behind schedule.

4. behind schedule的意思

4. They appear to be well behind schedule, their financing is not in place.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. If she is always going to be behind time/schedule with her work, we`d better replace her with another person.

6. In addition, the relevant research on this subiect was also behind schedule.

7. The proposal that I give out is: If your website wants to provide the content of a lot of types, so in the website at the beginning, you need to offer only on one hand content comes in, for instance the elite article of Internet respect, other content you are big can ignore, other perhaps content channel you are OK behind schedule is put, the kill that such doing is, your website meets what obtain quickly in a group approbate.

8. Also do not call what people railroad to be people, we also does not say railroad brother worked hard, also do not bear with your service did not arrive home, did not begin to clean bed to terminus for instance, occupied do not have a thing to play behind schedule, go up in the station the toilet receives 3 wool fund even, guard is seeing gangster outfit did not see, stuff of 118 people edge enters fixed number of persons of every railroad car 300 people -- all these want relatively truer, want to handle affairs according to service contract.

9. behind schedule

9. A Late Fee of 5% will apply for each week the project is behind the contracted pre-agreed project plan schedule.

10. Responsible in analyzing and highlighting activities that are falling behind schedule so action can be taken earlier to rectify problems.

11. behind schedule

11. This plan was tow hours behind schedule.

12. behind schedule

12. I'm sorry to say that your delivery is a week behind schedule.

13. behind schedule在线翻译

13. The serious colds disrupted my daily routine. What`s more, making my study proceeded behind schedule.

14. behind schedule的翻译

14. D. -$200, and the project is behind schedule

15. However, the majority of DRDO projects are behind schedule, bringing criticism from the end-users, the Indian defense forces.

16. Failure of Government to provide services in a timely manner had blown out the cost of the project, forced it to fall behind schedule and damaged the morale of Chinese technocrats, who believed they were coming to PNG to make a contribution to national development, a senior official said on Friday.

17. Is this designer diva coming apart at the seams, or is someone keeping her spring collection unfashionably behind schedule?

18. Owing to various delays en route, we arrived two days behind schedule.

19. We're behind schedule and I need your help.

20. You're behind schedule you know.

behind schedule 单语例句

behind schedule的翻译

1. Though China still falls behind its own schedule to cut energy intensity, the government has significantly upgraded its efforts to boost energy conservation across the country.

2. The extra effort paid off but put the astronauts a little behind schedule in their first spacewalk of shuttle Atlantis'mission.

3. However, the completion of the work seems to have lagged behind its schedule.

4. Though the country still falls behind its schedule to meet energy and environmental goals, policymakers are stepping up efforts to attain them.

5. It suggests targets that are behind schedule be put on track with more attention to balanced development.

6. Natsios said putting in place a comprehensive agreement in southern Sudan is far behind schedule.

7. It's slated for completion in March 2008, three month behind schedule.

8. The train was nearly two minutes behind schedule, media reports said.

9. The regular team eventually began to practice, almost 90 minutes behind schedule.

10. The night ended more than two hours behind schedule with Bollywood celebs joining Khan on stage for a closing dance routine.

behind schedule的意思
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