
bethel是什么意思 bethel在线翻译 bethel什么意思 bethel的意思 bethel的翻译 bethel的解释 bethel的发音 bethel的同义词 bethel的反义词 bethel的例句

bethel ['beθl]  ['beθl] 

bethel 基本解释


bethel 网络解释

1. 贝瑟尔:在对社会互动的细节进行谨慎研究的同时,沃伦还拿自己去冒险,在缅因州(Maine)贝瑟尔(Bethel)的国家培训实验室(National Training Labs)为一个首批的T小组(T-group)担任了领导者.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 圣地:Beth 贝丝 | bethel 圣地 | bethink of 想到

3. 非国教徒的礼拜堂:bethanise 钢丝电解镀锌法 | bethel 非国教徒的礼拜堂 | bethelhalidomhalidomemekka 圣地

bethel 双语例句

1. How bold Amos was to prophesy these things right from Bethel, the idolatrous centre of Israel!

2. This led to sin, because the people frequented these calves in Bethel and in Dan.

3. To which in Bethel, and to which in south Ramoth, and to which in Jattir

4. bethel的翻译

4. Ancient battlefield turns out to be a bethel, and it almost remains its quondam scene.

5. 8 Now Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, died and was buried under the oak below Bethel.
    35:8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了、就葬在伯特利下边橡树底下。

6. bethel的近义词

6. Now Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, died and was buried under the oak below Bethel.

7. But Deborah Rebekah's nurse died, and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak: and the name of it was called Alloachuth.
    35:8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯特利下边橡树底下。那棵树名叫亚伦巴古。

8. But Debroah Rebekah's nurse died, and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak; and the name of it was called Allonbachuth.

9. Gen 35:8 But Deborah Rebekah's nurse died, and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak: and the name of it was called Allonbachuth.
    创 35:8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯特利下边橡树底下。那棵树名叫亚伦巴古。

10. But Deborah Rebekah#s nurse died, and she was bu***ed beneath Bethel under an oak: and the name of it was called Allonbachuth.
    35:8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯特利下边橡树底下。那棵树名叫亚伦巴古。

11. bethel的解释

11. So one of the priests who had been deported from Samaria returned and settled in Bethel, and taught them how to venerate the LORD.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. So one of the priests who had been carried away captive from Samaria, came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them how they should worship the Lord.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. He used to go annually on circuit to Bethel and Gilgal and Mizpah, and he judged Israel in all these places.

14. Saul chose three thousand men of Israel, of whom two thousand remained with him in Michmash and in the hill country of Bethel, and one thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. He sent the rest of the people back to their tents.

15. bethel的意思

15. It was Christ who spoke with Abraham under the oaks at Mamre; with Isaac as he went out to pray in the fields at the eventide; with Jacob on the hillside at Bethel; with Moses among the mountains of Midian; and with the boy David as he watched his flocks.

16. bethel的意思

16. But in Bethel you shall not ever prophesy again, for it is the king's sanc- tuary and it is the royal residence.
      7:13 却不要在伯特利再说豫言,因为这里是王的圣所,是王的宫殿。

17. First, rejoice when you are in your Bethel

18. bethel的意思

18. He found him at Bethel and talked with him there

19. And he set the one in Bethel, and the other in Dan

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 4 And he put one in Bethel, the other in Dan.

bethel 单语例句

1. In April it is the Bethel Foster Home for visually impaired orphans.

2. Enjoy the soothing melodies of the Bethel School children's choir, accompanied by afternoon tea that includes French pastries and a selection of sweets.

3. Delphine and Guillaume Gauvain hope their success with disadvantaged orphans at Bethel can be a model for other agencies.

4. There is a buzz of energy this morning at Bethel China Foundation's orphanage facility in Beijing's southeast suburbs.

5. Resident Bethel Hawkins said police warned families to lock their doors in an area with many senior citizens.

6. The performance was part of Bethel's annual fundraising events, but this was the first time the students had performed.

7. She has mastered Chinese and English, and now works in the Bethel office translating Chinese into Braille.

8. The Bethel choir also performed classic Christmas songs such as " Jingle Bells " and " Shining House " for the audience.

bethel 英英释义


1. a house of worship (especially one for sailors)

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