
biological是什么意思 biological在线翻译 biological什么意思 biological的意思 biological的翻译 biological的解释 biological的发音 biological的同义词

biological [ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl]  [ˌbaɪəˈlɑ:dʒɪkl] 


biological 基本解释


形容词生物的; 生物学的; 与生物学相关的; 有血亲关系的



biological 网络解释

1. 生物学的:因此,性别这个中介因素是与个人男性/女性的特色(masculinity/femininity)的程度为主,而不是以生物学的(biological)性别概念来探讨. Marakas et al. (1998)提出电脑自我效能的概念性模式具有相当的贡献,

2. 生物:跟WWI不同的是,伤害Bonus改成了vs 生物(Biological). 生物的标签似乎比以往对应的轻甲(Light)范围更加巨大. 或许面对Zerg的单位和建筑时,恶人是不错的选择. 没有移动速度升级,移动速度依旧慢过提速后的Vulutre. 升级项目跟WWI一样是攻速升级.

3. biological

3. 生物学:Mason利用生物学(biological)的分类法,来划分发明及民族的现象,也就是他延用演化论者的科(families)、属(genera)、种(species)等概念,来将博物馆中的所收集到的材料做分类展出.

biological 词典解释

1. 生物的;与生命过程有关的
    Biological is used to describe processes and states that occur in the bodies and cells of living things.

    e.g. The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes...
    e.g. This is a natural biological response.

Much of our behaviour is biologically determined...
Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.

2. 生物学的
    Biological is used to describe activities concerned with the study of living things.

    e.g. ...all aspects of biological research associated with leprosy.
    e.g. ...the university's school of biological sciences.

3. (武器、战争)生物性的,使用细菌的
    Biological weapons and biological warfare involve the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to attack human beings, animals, or plants.

    e.g. Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.

4. (虫害防治)利用生物的
    Biological pest control is the use of bacteria or other living organisms in order to destroy other organisms which are harmful to plants or crops.

    e.g. ...Jim Litsinger, a consultant on biological control of agricultural pests.

5. (父母)生身的,亲生的
    A child's biological parents are the man and woman who caused him or her to be born, rather than other adults who look after him or her.

    e.g. ...foster parents for young teenagers whose biological parents have rejected them.

6. (洗衣粉)含酶的,生物性的
    A biological washing powder contains substances called enzymes which dissolve dirt.


biological 单语例句


1. This sperm protein initiates a process called " egg activation " which sets off all the biological processes necessary for development of an embryo.

2. Scientists are currently split on the level of danger the biological effects of the magnetic field emitted by cellular telephones poses to humans.

3. Ridge identified explosives as the likely mode of attack, as opposed to a chemical or biological attack or a radiological " dirty " bomb.

4. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge identified explosives as the likely mode of attack, as opposed to a chemical or biological attack or a radiological " dirty " bomb.

5. But in a preliminary report in October, his team found no stockpiles of biological or chemical weapons.

6. Wang said the boy had never even met his biological father, an addicted gambler who left behind heavy debts before divorcing Xiao Xin's mother.

7. China is the world's largest coal consuming country, and development and use of coal resources has resulted in widespread environmental and biological problems.

8. A more complete report on the find will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Biological Conservation.

9. Cruise has kept the world entertained with the progress of his first biological child almost from the moment of conception.

10. He and the deceptive concubine were executed, and the emperor's biological mother brought back to the capital.

biological 英英释义



1. of parents and children
    related by blood

    e.g. biological child

2. pertaining to biology or to life and living things

    Synonym: biologic

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