
bishop是什么意思 bishop在线翻译 bishop什么意思 bishop的意思 bishop的翻译 bishop的解释 bishop的发音 bishop的同义词 bishop的反义词 bishop的例句

bishop [ˈbɪʃəp]  [ˈbɪʃəp] 


bishop 基本解释

名词(基督教某些教派管辖大教区的)主教; (国际象棋的)象; 香甜葡萄酒

bishop 网络解释

1. bishop

1. 相:Frank的相(Bishop)完全可以不吃掉皇后(Queen)而选择其他棋步延缓失败!但遗憾的是Frank几乎没有验证就承认了失败. 人类在机器面前理所当然的甘拜下风,而机器,正在预示着以后的致命错误. 这一细节有力支持了HAL误报AE-35失灵的论点.

2. 象:一开始摆棋,按他的规矩,所有的马(knight)一定要头朝前,象(bishop)也一样. 卒(pawn)呢,每次吃子一定是拿着盾牌袭击斜前方. :),真的是充满了想象力. 小孩子初学棋,输多了会发脾气,所以大人要让着点,一旦大人赢了,也不要太得意,

bishop 词典解释

1. 主教
    A bishop is a clergyman of high rank in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches.

2. (国际象棋中的)象
    In chess a bishop is a piece that can be moved diagonally across the board on squares that are the same colour.


bishop 单语例句

1. Their advance notice to the latter about recent bishop selections and ordinations in some Catholic dioceses was a show of sincerity.

2. " A little payback don't hurt, " linebacker Desmond Bishop said.

3. Australia's chief medical officer Jim Bishop authorized the release of a batch of antiviral medication from the national stockpile on Thursday.

4. Bishop and colleagues randomly selected doctors for the survey from an American Medical Association list of US doctors.

5. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Chicago said the hospitals would close rather than comply.

6. Bishop said his team was " amazed " by the resources available in Beijing and the potential in China's capital.

7. Bishop Gordon Scruton of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts was named to lead the investigation.

8. The solemn bearing of the bishop on the left is echoed with the indistinctive image under the randomly arranged brushstrokes on the right.

9. New York Bishop Mark Sisk earlier described people as suffering a combination of " shock, surprise and befuddlement " at the allegations.

10. " He is now at the Bishop Palace in Cotabato City, " Yap said.

bishop 英英释义


1. (chess) a piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color

2. port wine mulled with oranges and cloves

3. a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority
    appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers
    considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ

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