
biting cold是什么意思 biting cold在线翻译 biting cold什么意思 biting cold的意思 biting cold的翻译 biting cold的解释 biting cold的发音

biting cold

biting cold 双语例句

1. Subjective symptoms consist of pruritus, sensations of heat, cold, prickling, biting, formication, pain, and numbness.

2. biting cold的翻译

2. I know her not happy, because I know she the injured leg, it is difficult to support her against wind and cold biting the rain.

3. biting cold

3. You're wearing heavy, cold-weather gear and usually topple over once or twice on the way down, skis askew in the air, the biting chill of the wind hitting your face.

4. biting cold的近义词

4. One night, when their campfire dies, and the biting cold drives them to huddle together in a bedroll, a sudden spark between Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist flares into an undying flame.

5. Imagine working through long winters plagued by biting cold and blinding snowdrifts. Summer brought no respite, just great swarms of gnats, mosquitoes and gadflies.

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6. She was incredibly tender with them, being careful always to use her body heat to stop them getting cold - and tolerating them biting her ears!

7. biting cold什么意思

7. In this paper, the biting condition of cold rolling process for involute spline manufacture is built up. The condition provides guarantee for the success of the process, and provides basis for tool design and tryout.

8. biting cold的翻译

8. Take order lake clear emerald transparent, depth of water is measured not, biting cold such as ice, in four weeks, forest is densely covered, wild animal perches in four weeks to loaf about, country protect the grey belly angle son of rare animal Zhi, mountain donkey, golden monkey, little panda and antelope etc. live all the year round in here.

9. But Chinese milk agriculture, and entire estate chain, will be confronted with ice-cold biting one chilly winter.

10. biting cold的翻译

10. From my eleventh floor window, I've watched a man in a wheelchair in the biting cold go down the line of bins opposite, flipping off the lids to search for food.

11. The northeasterly winds blowing all day blowing my biting cold, but people's behavior so that my heart is more severe cold.

12. Acid seas and sulfurous atmospheres may be rare on this plane, and there are no areas of biting cold or infernos of raging hea t.

13. Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.

14. biting cold是什么意思

14. Bit by bit the wind was biting into our clothes and we began to feel a cold chill.

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15. This usually takes place during the freezing cold months of winter when people shut all the windows and doors to keep out the biting wind while taking a hot bath.

16. Summer day scorching sun, creek water actually still limpid Bright Static, is icy cold biting cold.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. On the day before Christmas the weather set in very cold; no snow, but a bitter, biting wind that whistled and sang over the flat land and lashed one's face like fine wires.

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18. B: Aren't you afraid of the freezing cold, the biting winds and the blinding blizzards?

19. In Northern England, girls wear miniskirts when they go out to bars in the biting cold and drink strong alcohol so they don ` t feel the chill.

20. The weather is biting cold.

biting cold 单语例句

1. Zhu waited more than six hours in biting cold for the right moment to click the shutter.

2. Its temperate continental monsoon climate means the city has four clearly defined seasons, free from the scathing hot in summer and the biting cold in winter.

3. They do not shower often in the biting cold because they fear catching a cold, which could lead to serious respiratory problems.

4. They only had cotton jackets and plastic galoshes to fight the biting cold.

5. As the moon shone whiter and brighter, we huddled close to fight off the biting cold.

6. On a biting cold winter day, a foreigner walked into a restaurant and ordered a bottle of Harbin beer.

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