
black out是什么意思 black out在线翻译 black out什么意思 black out的意思 black out的翻译 black out的解释 black out的发音 black out的同义词

black out [blæk aut]  [blæk aʊt] 

black out 基本解释

动词熄灯; 灯火管制; 停止; 中断

black out 网络解释

1. 停电:白天停电(Black Out)是一件让人恼火的事情. 黑夜停电却是一件浪漫的事情. 因为,蜡烛和手电筒在这时履行着它们的职责.

2. black out

2. 黑視:进行此项操作的飞行员需要有高度的技术,同时此项操作伴有飞行员黑视(Black Out)的危险性. 着陆 与飞机跳伞的冲击着陆不同,滑翔伞着陆要轻柔得多. 着陆前滑翔伞须正对风向减小对地速度,在距离地面数米处通过双侧施加较大幅度的刹车可以实现接近零速度零下落的雀降.

3. 眩晕:她的最新专辑<<眩晕>>(Black out)和过去曾为她每年进账200万英镑的第五款伊丽莎白雅顿Believe系列香水销量也是一落千丈,大不如从前. 不过,朋友们表示,在父母的保驾护航下,布兰妮有可能会东山再起. (杨孝文)

4. 用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻):black and blue (被打得)遍体鳞伤 | black out 用墨涂掉;封锁(新闻) | blow off 吹掉,将(热水等)放出

black out 词典解释

1. 晕厥;暂时昏迷
    If you black out, you lose consciousness for a short time.

    e.g. I could feel blood draining from my face. I wondered whether I was about to black out...
    e.g. Samadov said that he felt so ill that he blacked out.

2. 对…实行灯火管制;使一片漆黑
    If a place is blacked out, it is in darkness, usually because it has no electricity supply.

black out的意思

    e.g. Large parts of the capital were blacked out after electricity pylons were blown up.

3. 禁播(电影等);禁止发行,禁止出版(文章、图书等)
    If a film or a piece of writing is blacked out, it is prevented from being broadcast or published, usually because it contains information which is secret or offensive.

    e.g. TV pictures of the demonstration were blacked out.

4. 涂黑,盖住,涂掉(文字等)
    If you black out a piece of writing, you colour over it in black so that it cannot be seen.

    e.g. U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use...
    e.g. Some Welsh activists have started blacking out English language road signs.

5. 尽力忘记;努力忘却
    If you black out the memory of something, you try not to remember it because it upsets you.

black out是什么意思

    e.g. I tried not to think about it. I blacked it out.

black out 单语例句


1. Tour de France chief Christian Prudhomme has applauded efforts to weed out the cheats, even if it means unsavory doping revelations leave a black mark on the race.

2. The militia has been accused of carrying out an ethnic cleansing campaign against black Africans in the conflict.

3. Scientists have ruled out the possibility that a star cluster formed far away and somehow migrated near the black hole.

4. Day in and day out, he not only survived but also became even healthier and his gray hair turned black.

5. Some securities companies are seeking external investors and funds to help them get out of debt and get back in the black.

6. She remembers seeing an online image of an Afghani woman peering out through black cloth.

7. Some critics of the ministry decision point out that the Black Eyed Peas performed their sexually suggestive songs in the city just three months ago.

8. Four people got out of the car, including a man dressed in black who was carrying a machete.

9. Qingyin Temple is laid out in an irregular plot on a narrow piece of land between the Black Dragon River and the White Dragon River.

10. But it turned out everybody stared at us, as we stood in the group of mourners wearing black.

black out 英英释义


1. lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example

    Synonym: zonk outpass out

2. suppress by censorship as for political reasons

    e.g. parts of the newspaper article were blacked out

3. darken completely

    e.g. The dining room blackened out

    Synonym: blacken out

4. obliterate or extinguish

    e.g. Some life-forms were obliterated by the radiation, others survived

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