
blaze是什么意思 blaze在线翻译 blaze什么意思 blaze的意思 blaze的翻译 blaze的解释 blaze的发音 blaze的同义词 blaze的反义词 blaze的例句

blaze [bleɪz]  [blez] 


blaze 基本解释


名词火焰; 光辉; 爆发; 光彩

不及物动词猛烈地燃烧; 发光,照耀

及物动词在树片上刻痕指示(道路等); 公开宣布


blaze 相关例句


1. He blazed a path through the forest.


1. Meteors usually blaze for only a few seconds.


1. In a blaze of anger he shouted at them.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The new building was a blaze of light.

3. Go to blazes!

blaze 网络解释

1. 炽烈之径:rno),炽烈之径(blaze)各加一点,为18级升火墙(firewall)作好准备.碎冰甲(shiverarmor)加一点.剩余的点数加充能弹(chargedbolt)闪电(lightning)新星(nova)各一点作为过路点.18-23级:传送(teleport)一点.冰尖柱(glacialspike)连锁闪电(chainlightning)各加一点作为过路点.剩下的都加火墙(firewall).当然,

2. 烈焰之径:此系列的法术赋予法师施展火焰魔法的能力,包括了非常有效的火墙(Fire Wall)以及烈焰之径(Blaze). 此外,她还拥有陨石(Meteor)法术,几乎可以立即歼灭整群敌人. 在这些强大的火焰法术之中,暖气(Warmth)是最重要的法术.

blaze 词典解释

1. 熊熊燃烧
    When a fire blazes, it burns strongly and brightly.

    e.g. Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers...
    e.g. The log fire was blazing merrily.

2. 大火;烈火
    A blaze is a large fire which is difficult to control and which destroys a lot of things.


    e.g. Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night.

3. 照耀;发出(强光);绽放(光彩)
    If something blazes with light or colour, it is extremely bright.

    e.g. The gardens blazed with colour.

4. (眼睛)闪耀,闪烁,充满(感情);(情感在眼中)燃烧
    If someone's eyes are blazing with an emotion, or if an emotion is blazing in their eyes, their eyes look very bright because they are feeling that emotion so strongly.

    e.g. He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger...
    e.g. Eva stood up and indignation blazed in her eyes...

5. 大量(宣传或关注)
    A blaze of publicity or attention is a great amount of it.

    e.g. He was arrested in a blaze of publicity.
    e.g. ...the sporting career that began in a blaze of glory.

6. (枪炮)连续射击(或开火)
    If guns blaze, or blaze away, they fire continuously, making a lot of noise.

    e.g. Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around...
    e.g. She took the gun and blazed away with calm and deadly accuracy.

7. with all guns blazing -> see gun

8. 开辟道路;作开路先锋
    If someone blazes a trail, they discover or develop something new.


    e.g. These surgeons have blazed the trail in the treatment of bomb victims.

blaze 单语例句

1. But firefighters did not reach the scene until half an hour later, by which time the store owner's son had perished in the blaze.

2. Officials believe an abandoned campfire may have sparked the blaze more than a week ago.

3. Authorities are questioning two people about an abandoned campfire that may have started the blaze.

4. You can't help but blaze trails today, no matter what you're doing on the surface.

5. On the blaze's northwestern front, two firefighters were killed Sunday on Mount Gleason near the city of Acton.

6. Three units in an industrial building on Tsing Yi Island were severely damaged in a blaze that started Tuesday night with no casualty reported.

7. The Star Princess was sailing from Grand Cayman to Jamaica when the blaze started.

8. Firefighters tackling a blaze at a building in North Point recovered a charred body yesterday morning.

9. The blazes burned for hours before Chinook helicopters with water pouches were brought in to fight the blaze.

10. And now the time has come for Blaze to make good on his deal.

blaze 英英释义


1. noisy and unrestrained mischief

    e.g. raising blazes

    Synonym: hell

2. a light-colored marking

    e.g. they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes
           the horse had a blaze between its eyes

3. a light within the field of vision that is brighter than the brightness to which the eyes are adapted

    e.g. a glare of sunlight

    Synonym: glarebrilliance

4. a cause of difficulty and suffering

    e.g. war is hell
           go to blazes

    Synonym: hell

5. a strong flame that burns brightly

    e.g. the blaze spread rapidly

    Synonym: blazing


1. indicate by marking trees with blazes

    e.g. blaze a trail

2. shoot rapidly and repeatedly

    e.g. He blazed away at the men

    Synonym: blaze away

3. move rapidly and as if blazing

    e.g. The spaceship blazed out into space

    Synonym: blaze out

4. burn brightly and intensely

    e.g. The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze

5. shine brightly and intensively

    e.g. Meteors blazed across the atmosphere

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