
blushed是什么意思 blushed在线翻译 blushed什么意思 blushed的意思 blushed的翻译 blushed的解释 blushed的发音 blushed的同义词 blushed的反义词



blushed 基本解释


脸红( blush的过去式和过去分词 );

blushed 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 胭脂:09# Pale Pink 粉柔 | 10# Blushed 胭脂 | 11# Nectar 花蜜酒

blushed 双语例句

1. But the head office boy blushed awkwardly--why he did not know and could not discover, though he often cogitated upon it.

2. blushed的反义词

2. All the other animals lifted their heads and stared at him. Wilbur blushed. But he was determined to get in touch with his unknown friend.

3. The boy stood in the middle of a garden, flirting with two girls who giggled and blushed.

4. blushed的近义词

4. Peter blushed when he looked at the bright blade and saw it all smeared with the Wolf's hair and blood.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. She blushed again and again over the perverseness of the meeting.

6. I said i love you, you blushed and hung your head in shame, seems you were smiling.

7. He blushed, seeing Daguenet looking at him. Notwithstanding which, they had conceived a tender regard the one for the other. They rearranged the bows of their cravats in front of the big dressing glass and gave each other a mutual dose of the clothesbrush, for they were all white from their close contact with Nana.

8. The slaughter of chickens, slaughtering geese, buying pork, fine intentions wash, a woman in the arm in the water Baptist blushed, and some with Skein silver bracelet.

9. I also plan to use this in my wedding along with Blushed Wines 12 hour eye shadow, also by Revlon.

10. I shook my head reprovingly, and then she blushed and whispered

11. blushed

11. When he told me about this, I was aware of my fault but I just blushed and with my head hanging down said sorry to him.
      Grubby找我说的时候,我一听就知道我错哪了,然后红着脸低着头说:I am sorry。

12. blushed的近义词

12. When he thought of this, Wen Xiang blushed and was unable to utter a word.

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. Single white sticktite star/ pink -blushed eye, light rose sparkle marking, rose - pink edge.

14. And I told her - I did, indeed - told her I loved her; and she - well, she blushed till her hair turned red, but she liked it; she said she did.

15. For some reason she blushed, and, looking down, walked away in haste.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. She blushed and stirred her coffee for no reason. I'm sorry.

17. Whenever the dreadful thoughtoccurred to me, my whole head would flush with bloog and my cheeks would burn so painfully that I would go out behind the school building and press them against the cold brick wall to try to reduce their surging blushed.

18. I think about you, I thought, and blushed a bit.

19. When you are having an eye contact with the one you love, you will be blushed

20. He blushed at the thought of what he `d done.

blushed 单语例句

1. At one lingerie boutique in a Riyadh mall on Wednesday, salesmen blushed when asked about their jobs.

2. She sat in the front row and while he was singing Marcus looked down at Carey and she blushed.

3. As Chinese do when they find themselves in an uneasy situation, the two women spontaneously blushed.

4. When he says he blushed, he actually shows a sense of responsibility.

5. The man blushed and mumbled an apology, then ignored the taunts until he got off several stops later.

6. A Wuhan resident surnamed Lu blushed when a screen on a busy street revealed that he was a jaywalker on Sunday.

7. Pan blushed and bowed her head after hearing her colleagues'high praise for her.

8. At one lingerie boutique in a Riyadh mall Wednesday, salesmen blushed when asked about their jobs.

9. When complimented on her youthful good looks, she blushed and said that she has changed.

10. Hu Liu blushed when a young man came up to ask for her phone number.

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