
boa是什么意思 boa在线翻译 boa什么意思 boa的意思 boa的翻译 boa的解释 boa的发音 boa的同义词 boa的反义词 boa的例句 boa的相关词组

boa [ˈbəʊə]  [ˈboʊə] 


boa 基本解释

名词蟒; 女用长围巾; 王蛇

boa 网络解释

1. 美国银行:雷曼兄弟公司破產之後,市場天天猜測那家銀行會接著倒下. 資產3070億美元華盛頓互惠銀行9月倒閉,成為歷史上最大的倒閉銀行;美林證券不得不賣給美國銀行 (BoA美聯銀行(Wachovia)同意被富國銀行收 ...

2. 蟒蛇:这期我们学会了野马(mustang),骡子(mule),骆驼(camel),大猩猩(gorilla),蟒蛇(boa),野猪(boar),豪猪(porcupine),懒猴(sloth)等哺乳动物还有小河(rill) 木板(board)等名词和十大方法之对称法,下期我们继续学习豆豆在野生动物园和十大方法之添加法

3. 雅):从这里可以看出,博雅(Boa)是属于他们的姓氏--如果他们真的有姓氏的话. 只要稍微搜索一下,就可以找到了,Boa或者其复数词Boas是蟒蛇的通称,但更正确来说,科学上分类是在动物界(Animalia),脊索动物门(Chordata),脊椎动物(Vertebrata),

4. boa:basic operator applications; 基本操作功能

5. boa:basic object adapter; 基本对象适配器boa

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. boa:behavioral observation audiometry; 名行为观察测听

7. danci.911cha.com

7. boa:bill of account; 会计科目编码体系

boa 词典解释

1. (用羽毛或轻质织物制成的)长围巾
    A boa or a feather boa is a long soft scarf made of feathers or of short pieces of very light fabric.


    e.g. She wore a large pink boa around her neck.

2. 同boa constrictor
    A boa is the same as a boa constrictor .


boa 单语例句

1. Football Association of Wales chief executive Jonathan Ford said the deal was a figment of the BOA's imagination.

2. Police and forestry experts who arrived on the scene failed to catch the boa after it hid in the cluttered aquarium.

3. BOA Director of Communications Darryl Seibel told Sky News that he was confident that the Games would pass off safely.

4. An Arizona man has been jailed for 90 days for coating a puppy in cooking oil and feeding it to his pet boa constrictor.

5. BOA chairman Colin Moynihan reacted to the CAS verdict by saying WADA had won a " hollow victory ".

6. To a " snake wizard " in Fujian Province, boa constrictors are sacred and precious.

7. He decided to replace the cow skin with boa skin, because boa skin has no hair and therefore is not as easily influenced by humidity.

8. Analyst with CCB said BOA sold the stake to replenish its capital, which did not mean that it had a declining interest in the Chinese banking industry.

9. WADA had fought the BOA's policy of imposing life bans for the Olympics, arguing it contravened its own code.

10. The boy said he had bought the lifelike boa at a wildlife park in Guangzhou and wanted to bring it back to Thailand.

boa 英英释义



1. any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs

2. a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur

    Synonym: feather boa

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