
boar是什么意思 boar在线翻译 boar什么意思 boar的意思 boar的翻译 boar的解释 boar的发音 boar的同义词 boar的反义词 boar的例句 boar的相关词组

boar [bɔ:(r)]  [bɔr,bor] 


boar 基本解释

名词野猪; (未阉的)公猪; 公猪肉


boar 相关例句


1. The boar ran away.

2. boar的反义词

2. He encountered boars, wild dogs, and wolves in the woods.

boar 网络解释

1. 公猪:此外还有野猪(swine)的叫声也是grunt;公猪(boar)的叫声则为 girn(咆哮,吼叫) 9、魁梧凶悍的熊(bear)的叫声为 growl(咆哮) 细心的朋友可能发现上文狗叫声中也有growl的表达,实际上这个词表示的是一种低沉的咆哮,对于熊来说是很恰当的,

2. 猪:大部分只吃肉,有的吃水果和蘑菇熊(Bear) 高低中 什么都吃,最好养的 野猪(Boar) 中中中 不能学利爪,什么都吃 秃鹰(Carrion Bird) 中中中 只吃鱼,肉 猫科(Cat) 中高低 只吃鱼,肉,攻击速度较快 螃蟹(Crab) 低中高 不能学撕咬,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 野猪类:◎野猪类(Boar) 可以学到 Charge,就像 Warrior 的一样,可以迅速冲到敌人身边,使得他们不能移动 1 秒钟,并且大量加强下一次攻击的杀伤力. ◎猩猩类(Gorilla) 可以学到 Thunderstomp,一种范围性的技能,会对周遭的怪物造成自然伤害并且吸引他们来打自已.

boar 词典解释

The plural boar can also be used for meaning 1. boar 亦可用作义项1的复数形式。

1. 野猪
    A boar or a wild boar is a wild pig.


    e.g. Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.

2. 公猪
    A boar is a male pig.

boar 单语例句

1. Babe the pet boar swims in the sea off a private island in the Bahamas.

2. Sun held a party on Wednesday to celebrate the seventh birthday of a wild boar, which has earned special attention from her because of its colossal size.

3. They tried to catch the boar, but it kept running away.

4. Local forestry police have tried to capture the big wild boar, but it always manages to flee the scene of its mischief before they arrive.

5. Fishermen nearby hauled up another boar of similar size in a net a few miles off the coast after it apparently drowned.

6. The boar lost its footing and fell to a lane at 4 am when the sedative appeared to be taking effect.

7. Police in Chongqing municipality shot dead a wild boar that ran into a downtown residential community in search of food last Monday.

8. The boar once climbed onto the roof of a bungalow situated next to a big pile of coal and then crashed through the ceiling.

9. The improving environment in the mountainous area provides ideal conditions for the reproduction of wild boar but the invaders are still under protection.

10. Qian was born into a herdsman's family and when she was 2, her parents moved to a place named Wild Boar Valley near the city of Chifeng.

boar 英英释义


1. an uncastrated male hog

2. Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come
    introduced in United States

    Synonym: wild boarSus scrofa

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