
bobble是什么意思 bobble在线翻译 bobble什么意思 bobble的意思 bobble的翻译 bobble的解释 bobble的发音 bobble的同义词 bobble的反义词 bobble的例句

bobble [ˈbɒbl]  [ˈbɑ:bl] 


bobble 基本解释



bobble 网络解释

1. bobble的反义词

1. 装饰]软球:bobbin 线轴 | bobble [ 装饰]软球 | body capacitance 体电容

2. 轻摇:bobbish 高兴的 | bobble 轻摇 | bobby calf 初生之犊

3. 荡漾失误:bobbing标记的干扰性移动 | bobble荡漾 失误 | bobble荡漾失误

4. bobble的意思

4. (比赛中)失误,漏踢,漏接:bicycle kick倒钩 | bobble(比赛中)失误,漏踢,漏接 | body check身体阻挡

bobble 双语例句

1. Jiao Yang into the eyes of countless star athletes sometimes sway hearts Lake Bobble Shuangfeng resembles a wave of the Maple Leaf with a fiery red blood fierce flame lifted who sonorous sound-stage in the audience who slammed heart of the fantastic save each with the emotional affect the poll excited excitement in the heart long wait for a table sounding phrase Games begin!

2. He's Bobble, I'm Clank.

3. Comments: Excellent Condition, Original DVD + Making of DVD, Manual, Bobble-Head, and Book in the Collector's Tin Lunch Box.
    评论:状态良好,原始DVD+ DVD的,手动,泡泡龙决策头,并预订了礼品盒餐盒。

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Anaheim, California September 2007 – The distributor of Bobble Ball, the egg shaped billiard ball, is pleased to announce its involvement and participation as a sponsor of the Viking Tour.
    阿纳海姆,加利福尼亚州在2007年9月-分销商b obble球,鸡蛋形桌球球,很高兴地宣布其参与作为赞助商的斯堪的纳维亚之旅。

5. Bobble told me that I should...

6. Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy?

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. And then bobble the ball, so it won't get past you.

8. She might have had a slight bobble in her last lead change.

9. It should be emphasized that the domestic PTA process design fully adopted the mature industrial technology, in which the structure similar to bobble tower oxidation reactor has been being successfully operated for many years in the industry and has undergone industrial experiments and inspections under various conditions in the process of advancement; the tail gas treatment unit has absorbed Mitsubishi chemical`s technologies and the paste treatment unit Amoco`s technologies.

10. bobble的意思

10. There are 120+ additional items and bonuses, 10+ different monsters, 200 levels in Bubble Bobble Gold!
    有120 +新增加的项目和奖金,10 +不同的怪物,200在各级啧啧吸食黄金!

11. Despite the movie's being so long, it's nearly the fastest possible warpless time through Bubble Bobble.
      虽然影片的是这么长时间,它几乎以最快的速度通过泡泡龙 warpless时间。

12. Of a casual puzzle game similar to Bubble Bobble, you can eliminate three identical fruit.

13. This screensaver will see you the mostbeautiful screenshots from the most popular Bubble Bobble remakes.
      这款屏幕保护将为你展现来自于最流行的 Bubble Bobble 游戏版本的最美丽的屏幕截图。

14. Large-scale version of Bubble Bobble, and often continue to have a bubble with a lot of bubbles burst, it is very difficult to reach common Bubble Bobble get Shuangkuaigan, it is worth a play of the game oh.

15. Bubble Bobble, a very popular pinball game.

16. bobble

16. BOBBLE: Why, it's almost time for the changing of the seasons.

17. bobble的意思

17. Nodding too much can make you look like a bobble head doll!

18. He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

19. Each bobble is magnetized in one direction or the other.

20. bobble什么意思

20. Bobble told me that I should

bobble 词典解释

1. (用来装饰衣物的)小绒球,小羊毛球
    A bobble is a small ball of material, usually made of wool, which is used for decorating clothes.

    e.g. ...the bobble on his nightcap.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 tassel

2. (球)不规则移动,乱动
    If a ball bobbles, it moves in an irregular and uncontrolled way.

    e.g. The ball bobbled into the back of the net.

3. 失掉(球);漏接(球)
    If a player bobbles a ball, they drop it or fail to control it.


    e.g. The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.

bobble 单语例句

1. The baby bobble was the latest public incident involving the safety of Spears'child.

2. The Jazz couldn't make a serious threat in the final quarter as they continued to miss easy shots and bobble away turnovers.

bobble 英英释义


1. the momentary juggling of a batted or thrown baseball

    e.g. the second baseman made a bobble but still had time to throw the runner out


1. make a mess of, destroy or ruin

    e.g. I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
           the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement

    Synonym: botchbodgebumblefumblebotch upmuffblowflubscrew upball upspoilmuck upbunglefluffbollixbollix upbollocksbollocks upmishandlelouse upfoul upmess upfuck up

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