
boil egg是什么意思 boil egg在线翻译 boil egg什么意思 boil egg的意思 boil egg的翻译 boil egg的解释 boil egg的发音 boil egg的同义词

boil egg

boil egg 双语例句

1. Beat egg, pour in method (1) and bring to boil again, remove fromheat and serve.

2. First, clean and steep snow fungus in warm water. Boil them for a while. Stir in duck egg, and finally add sugar candy and medlar into the soup.

3. boil egg的意思

3. The same rule applies to what might prove the beginning of work, such as letting the hammer fall on the anvil; or to anything that might contribute to improve a place, to gathering as much wood as would boil an egg, to uprooting weeds, to writing two letters of a word, in short, to anything that might be helpful in, or contribute towards, some future work.

4. boil egg在线翻译

4. Processes for cooking}: Firstly, clean the bean stick and put it into the water to make it soft, secondly, shell the egg and then properly stir the egg to make it prepared for the next process, thirdly, get rid of the pit, and boil it with four bowls of water, then put the bean stick and crystal sugar mixed with the jujube, then boil them with gentle heat, finally, add the prepared egg and mix appropriately, then you can take it.
    制作 〗:腐竹皮洗净泡水至软,鸡蛋去壳搅匀待用,红枣去核,用四碗水煮滚后,放入腐竹皮、红枣与冰糖,用小火煮30分钟,再加入鸡蛋搅匀即可食用。

5. Another pot sit in the fire, down one egg, oil heat, put meat, ginger, add the chicken soup, to release the steam off sharks, and refined brine, sugar, wine, boil, will be moved to small fires occasionally soft rotten shark fin.

6. A pot, add water boil, the next egg noodles cooked, remove and served in a bowl, sprinkle with eggs Pisi, garlic segment.

7. Eight children on an egg a day is sufficient, because they block in milk may be associated with you to when he joined the wrong method, 8-month-old child is no longer breast-oriented, you feed him milk at the same time every day can be a small amount of milk to feed points, so you can join the egg, as follows: the raw eggs into a clean bowl with the egg yolk tsp complete Sheng out, do not take egg white, Add clean break up the pot of milk, and then carefully, sailed into the milk stirring to evenly, with the result that can not see the slightest egg, we have only seen milk color is light yellow, white milk and egg yolk has been integrated into Fire on the boil, we must boil!!!

8. Soup's anticipating can be a meat, egg, seafood, vegetable, the stem fruit, food, medicine material etc.; Method of making soup can be thousand strange 100 differences, cook, roll, boil, cook, braise etc.; The different soup will have salty, sweet, sour and hot etc. different flavor because of the different material.

9. The preparation wok heating puts in the sesame oil after Jiang Baoxiang, after then puts in the snake gourd to turn fries puts the little clear water to boil softly, after puts in the oyster to boil and so on the oysters micro to open in puts in the Vietnamese egg surface and the little salt then takes a pot off the fire completes.

10. boil egg是什么意思

10. In the kitchen, Mark was terrified. I don`t even know how to boil an egg.

11. We began to eat six small eggs are yellow rice, small rice boil a long time, the egg yolk with steam release point a little vinegar and salt and tender, very few sick children, but also a very good band, and now I am on the night They followed his grandmother the night with a bottle of milk to eat and sleep a bottle.

12. Boil water. Set low flame. Add egg mixture and steam for 15 min. Sprinkle spring onion on top and serve right away.

13. Salty egg coated clay placed between 20 and 30 days can be, and for too long will lead to salty, too astringent, after which the surface of Xi Jin, and then into cold water, heating, water to boil off 10 minutes after the fire, cooked eggs over a long time will lead to the old, In this way, a delicious salted eggs on the success.

14. I'll boil an egg for you.

15. boil egg

15. He is an impractical person who can't even boil an egg.

16. boil egg的意思

16. I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee.

17. I was advised to boil an egg for no more than three minutes.

18. He wanted to boil the egg for four minutes.

19. She have a boil egg and a cup of coffee.

20. I like to boil the egg hard.

boil egg 单语例句

1. Yongning Hot Spring is said to be hot enough to boil an egg.

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