
breadth是什么意思 breadth在线翻译 breadth什么意思 breadth的意思 breadth的翻译 breadth的解释 breadth的发音 breadth的同义词 breadth的反义词

breadth [bredθ]  [brɛdθ] 


breadth 基本解释

名词宽度; 宽容; (知识、兴趣等的)广泛


breadth 相关词组

1. to a hair's breadth : 精确地, 丝毫不差;

2. by a hair's breadth : 差一点儿;

breadth 相关例句


1. She is admired for the great breadth of her learning.

2. It was a small river, six feet in breadth.

3. He is a successful enterpriser with a breadth of vision.

4. What's the breadth of this river?

breadth 网络解释

1. breadth什么意思

1. 幅度:中国经济发展很不平衡,可能农业经济、工业经济、服务经济以及体验经济在中国同时并存. 国内一些非常优秀的企业可以直接转入体验式营销,大多数企业还需要对传统的特色与利益营销进行补课. 体验式营销的幅度(Breadth) ● 挽救衰落的品牌

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 幅宽:结果发现数量的调谐(tuning)是近似的,神经元敏感的数量越大,调谐曲线(tuning curves)的幅宽(breadth)越大,受韦伯定律的比率限制. 而且调谐曲线在数字3以下和4以上没有不连续性,说明该神经编码是一种模拟幅度表征.

breadth 词典解释

1. 宽度
    The breadth of something is the distance between its two sides.

    e.g. The breadth of the whole camp was 400 paces.

2. 广度;广泛性
    The breadth of something is its quality of consisting of or involving many different things.

    e.g. Older people have a tremendous breadth of experience...
    e.g. His breadth of knowledge filled me with admiration.

3. 到处;处处
    If you say that someone does something or something happens throughout or across the length and breadth of a place, you are emphasizing that it happens everywhere in that place.


    e.g. The group built their reputation by playing across the length and breadth of North America...
    e.g. She has travelled the length and breadth of Britain.

4. see also: hair's breadth

breadth 单语例句

1. The publication is part of the Beijing Encyclopedia project, which documents the breadth of the Chinese capital's cultural history.

2. " We simply must increase the level and breadth of investment all around the world, " said US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.

3. From a technical perspective, it is noteworthy that Wall Street's breadth is extremely strong.

4. The show has a breadth that no other has been able to match.

5. " Treme " is easily among the best drama series on the air, and takes a backseat to no show for the breadth and excellence of its cast.

6. It is time for us to collectively take a deep breadth and regain our sense of balance and proportion.

7. " China boasts the world's top science and engineering talents both in depth and breadth, " Burns said.

8. And believe it or not, quite a few songs are famous throughout the breadth and depth of China.

9. " It really shows the breadth of human endeavour, " Time's managing editor Jim Kelly said.

10. The resolution builds on existing UN sanctions imposed since 2006 and expand the breadth and reach of such measures by creating new categories of sanctions.

breadth 英英释义


1. the extent of something from side to side

    Synonym: width

2. the capacity to understand a broad range of topics

    e.g. a teacher must have a breadth of knowledge of the subject
           a man distinguished by the largeness and scope of his views

    Synonym: comprehensivenesslargeness

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