
breath是什么意思 breath在线翻译 breath什么意思 breath的意思 breath的翻译 breath的解释 breath的发音 breath的同义词 breath的反义词 breath的例句

breath [breθ]  [brɛθ] 


breath 基本解释

名词呼吸; 一口气; 呼吸力; 微量

breath 相关词组

1. hold one's breath : 屏息;

2. catch one's breath : 喘息, 屏息;

3. take breath : 歇口气;

4. in one breath : 一口气, 同时;

5. in a breath : 一口气;

6. in the same breath : 同时;

7. under one's breath : 低声地;

8. short of breath : 呼吸短促;

9. out of breath : 上气不接下气;

10. with bated breath : 屏息地;

11. lose one's breath : 喘不过气;

12. take one's breath away : 目瞪口呆; 大为惊讶; ; 例句:; The original picture of the unknown ancient pa...;


breath 相关例句


1. breath

1. Let me get my breath back.

2. There is not a breath of wind.

3. He drew in a breath of fresh country air.

4. breath的近义词

4. After all that running, he was short of breath.

5. There was not a breath of air in the hot auditorium.

breath 网络解释

1. 呼气:魂的意义很广 普遍上可指:在新约中魂(soul)的希腊文是 psuchê 原意也指气息或呼气(breath). 在广义上 这字的用法与旧约相同 可指:有圣经学者相信人只有身体与灵魂两部分 因灵与魂是相同的 但这看法并不正确.

breath 词典解释

1. 呼出的气体;气息
    Your breath is the air that you let out through your mouth when you breathe. If someone has bad breath, their breath smells unpleasant.

    e.g. I could smell the whisky on his breath...
    e.g. Smoking causes bad breath.

2. 吸气
    When you take a breath, you breathe in once.

    e.g. He took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs...
    e.g. Gasping for breath, she leaned against the door...

3. (风或气流的)一丝,丝毫
    If you say that there is not a breath of wind or air, you are emphasizing that there is no wind and the air is very still.


    e.g. Not even a breath of wind stirred the pine branches.

4. 微量;少许
    A breath of something, is a small amount of it.

    e.g. It was left to Martina to add a breath of common sense to the proceedings.

5. (到室外)呼吸新鲜空气,透口气
    If you go outside for a breath of fresh air or for a breath of air, you go outside because it is unpleasantly warm indoors.

6. 令人耳目一新的事物;新鲜刺激的东西
    If you describe something new or different as a breath of fresh air, you mean that it makes a situation or subject more interesting or exciting.


    e.g. Her brisk treatment of an almost taboo subject was a breath of fresh air.

7. 喘过气来;恢复正常呼吸
    When you get your breath back after doing something energetic, you start breathing normally again.


    e.g. I reached out a hand to steady myself against the house while I got my breath back.

8. 喘口气;歇口气
    When you catch your breath while you are doing something energetic, you stop for a short time so that you can start breathing normally again.

    e.g. He had stopped to catch his breath and make sure of his directions.

9. (通常因为震惊)倒吸一口冷气
    If something makes you catch your breath, it makes you take a short breath of air, usually because it shocks you.


    e.g. Kenny caught his breath as Nikko nearly dropped the bottle.

10. 喘口气;歇口气
    If you do not have time to draw breath, you do not have time to have a break from what you are doing.

11. 屏息;止住呼吸
      If you hold your breath, you make yourself stop breathing for a few moments, for example because you are under water.

      e.g. I held my breath and sank under the water.

12. 屏息静气(焦急或激动地等待)
      If you say that someone is holding their breath, you mean that they are waiting anxiously or excitedly for something to happen.

      e.g. The whole world holds its breath for this speech.

13. 不指望(某事发生)
      If you say that you won't hold your breath, you mean that you do not expect something to happen even though someone has suggested that it might.

      e.g. 'Next thing you know, I'll be dancing at your wedding,' he cried. 'Don't hold your breath,' my father replied.

14. 最后一口气
      When someone takes their last breath, they die.

      e.g. His wife sat with him until he drew his last breath.

15. 喘不过气;上气不接下气
      If you are out of breath, you are breathing very quickly and with difficulty because you have been doing something energetic.


      e.g. There she was, slightly out of breath from running.

16. 但同时/但紧接着(尤用于谴责某人的言论自相矛盾)
      You can use in the same breath or in the next breath to indicate that someone says two very different or contradictory things, especially when you are criticizing them.

      e.g. He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.

17. 呼吸短促;呼吸困难
      If you are short of breath, you find it difficult to breathe properly, for example because you are ill. You can also say that someone suffers from shortness of breath .


      e.g. She felt short of breath and flushed...
      e.g. Any exercise that causes undue shortness of breath should be stopped.

18. (美或惊讶得)令(人)喘不过气来;使(人)惊叹
      If you say that something takes your breath away, you are emphasizing that it is extremely beautiful or surprising.

      e.g. I heard this song on the radio and it just took my breath away.

19. 压低嗓音;低声地
      If you say something under your breath, you say it in a very quiet voice, often because you do not want other people to hear what you are saying.

      e.g. Walsh muttered something under his breath.

20. 白费唇舌
      If someone says you are wasting your breath, they mean that the person you are talking to will not take any notice and so there is no point saying anything to them.

      e.g. The tone of her voice told him he was wasting his breath.

21. with bated breath -> see bated
      to fight for breath -> see fight

Do not confuse breath and breathe.

breath 单语例句

1. The colorless gas is poisonous to the human cardiovascular system and may cause heart failure and stop the breath.

2. The odor wafting from " cozy stations " nearby was overpowering their desire to catch their breath at the huts.

3. But he had been experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath for several months.

4. " We need a breath of fresh air, " " lost child " wrote.

5. When she first arrived in San Francisco and walked through Chinatown's streets speaking Mandarin, people muttered under their breath.

6. For Beijingers, the recent clear skies have been quite literally a breath of fresh air.

7. He was also charged with " driving a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration in his breath exceeding the prescribed limit ".

8. He'd had a cold and a cough, but now he felt out of breath.

9. It seems as if we're taking a collective deep breath, stepping back and reassessing our complicated lives.

10. Del Monte executives told investors in New York they will make necessary investments to breath new life into the old Heinz brands.

breath 英英释义



1. the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing

    e.g. he took a deep breath and dived into the pool
           he was fighting to his last breath

2. an indirect suggestion

    e.g. not a breath of scandal ever touched her

    Synonym: hintintimation

3. a slight movement of the air

    e.g. there wasn't a breath of air in the room

4. the air that is inhaled and exhaled in respiration

    e.g. his sour breath offended her

5. a short respite

    Synonym: breatherbreathing placebreathing spacebreathing spellbreathing time

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