
broken-down是什么意思 broken-down在线翻译 broken-down什么意思 broken-down的意思 broken-down的翻译 broken-down的解释 broken-down的发音

broken-down [ˌbrəʊkənˈdaʊn]  [ˌbrokənˈdaʊn] 

broken-down 基本解释

形容词故障的; 衰弱的; 败落的; 垮掉的

broken-down 双语例句

1. broken-down是什么意思

1. This article discusses how to implement IP-based disaster tolerance and switching between the two Multimedia Messaging Service Gateway systems in a dual-networking mode so that the normally running MMSG system can take over in an easy, fast and seamless manner all services on the broken-down MMSG system.

2. Anthraquinone dye can be broken-down anaerobically in this way: Anthraquinone is first reduced to quinhydrone, and then hydrolyzed into aromatic acids, which are degradable anaerobically or aerobically.

3. broken-down是什么意思

3. Early the following afternoon, Kugelmass climbed three flights of stairs in a broken-down apartment house in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn.

4. broken-down

4. That broken-down door behind the lodge was a good symbol.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. As a practised scribbler—never truly a hack, for that word, borrowed from England, denoted a broken-down horse let out for hire—he also knew better than to squander a good nugget in the lede.

6. broken-down的反义词

6. Had to push the broken-down car; a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on.

7. broken-down的解释

7. Driving around in that broken-down, no-account short.

8. The fluorescent lamps belong to broken-down devices, therefore, a stabilizer is essential to stabilize their working current.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. As he drew near the bridge, he saw two cannons that had been taken off their carriages, the infantry marching over the bridge, a few broken-down carts, and some soldiers with frightened, and some with laughing faces.

10. broken-down在线翻译

10. Since then its functions have expanded and now it rescues broken-down automobiles and provides discount travel services.

11. You know, everybody thinks we found this broken-down horse and fixed him, but we didnt. He fixed us.

12. Last year Walker had the number 1023 tattooed on the left side of his neck as a reminder of that broken-down house on 1023 Minton St.

13. broken-down的意思

13. Mind you, these are not maintenance workers or the passengers of broken-down cars in search of assistance.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. Charlie understood this early; I was a slow learner. But now, when buying companies or common stocks, we look for first-class businesses accompanied by first-class managements. o That leads right into a related lesson: Good jockeys will do well on good horses, but not on broken-down nags. Both Berkshire's textile business and Hochschild, Kohn had able and honest people running them.
      从这里我们又学到了一课,好的马还要搭配好骑师才能有好成绩,像伯克希尔纺织与 Hochschild,Kohn 也都有才能兼具的人在管理,很不幸的他们所面临的是流沙般的困境,若能将这些人摆在体质更好的公司相信他们应该会有更好的成绩。

15. broken-down

15. Fromecontinued, checking with a twitch of the left rein the bay`s evidentintention of turning in through the broken-down gate.

16. While nurse, I discover that the window sill of grandmother`s house puts a broken-down fairy tale book up by chance, with turned over to get up, result, on seeing is a short momen

17. Long abandoned by a broken-down bus, my team and I were forced to climb a mountain under the relentless sun.

18. Research on probability model of vehicle quality based on the broken-down number per thousand cars

19. Realize the automatic alarm when the server is broken-down.

20. A street of bedraggled tenements; a broken-down fence; a ramshackle old pier; a tumble-down shack.

broken-down 词典解释

1. (车辆或机器)出故障的,坏掉的
    A broken-down vehicle or machine no longer works because it has something wrong with it.


    e.g. ...a broken-down car.

broken-down 英英释义


1. in deplorable condition

    e.g. a street of bedraggled tenements
           a broken-down fence
           a ramshackle old pier
           a tumble-down shack

    Synonym: bedraggledderelictdilapidatedramshackletatterdemaliontumble-down

2. not in working order

    e.g. had to push the broken-down car
           a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on

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