
bumper是什么意思 bumper在线翻译 bumper什么意思 bumper的意思 bumper的翻译 bumper的解释 bumper的发音 bumper的同义词 bumper的反义词 bumper的例句

bumper [ˈbʌmpə(r)]  [ˈbʌmpɚ] 


bumper 基本解释


名词保险杠; 减震器; 干杯中的满杯; 〈口〉巨物


及物动词装满; 为…祝酒


bumper 网络解释

1. 保险杆:美国人常在汽车后面的保险杆(Bumper)上贴一些卷标(Sticker),表达自己的一些看法,有时候是严肃的政见、宗教立场、人生信念,或家庭观,也有的是半开玩笑半认真的恋爱哲学,更多的是自谑的幽默和语不惊人死不休的调笑.

2. 防撞器:后端的防撞器(bumper)以下的部分剪掉,在后轮的后面留下一个大缺口,这会产生某种形式的地面效应. 当然,后防撞器的形状必须保持完整,这也是定理的一部分. 对于房车(touring car)来说,办法就是剪掉车壳的后防撞器以下的整个部分.

bumper 词典解释

1. (汽车前后的)保险杠
    Bumpers are bars at the front and back of a vehicle which protect it if it bumps into something.


    e.g. ...bumper to bumper traffic jams.

2. 丰收的;丰盛的
    A bumper crop or harvest is one that is larger than usual.


    e.g. ...a bumper crop of rice...
    e.g. In the state of Iowa, it's been a bumper year for corn.

3. 巨大的;大号的
    If you say that something is bumper size, you mean that it is very large.

    e.g. ...bumper profits.
    e.g. ...a bumper pack of matches.

bumper 单语例句

1. Gunmen in that attack had dragged the body of an American victim from the bumper of their car.

2. Users experiencing antenna issues should call AppleCare to request a free Bumper case after the date.

3. Indonesia said it can meet domestic rice demand thanks to a bumper harvest, export curbs and subsidies for the poor.

4. Agricultural production attained another bumper harvest with the unit output of summer grain recorded all round high.

5. Others recalled a pleasant neighbor who forgave a fellow soldier charged with tearing up his " Allah is Love " bumper sticker.

6. For Chinese farmers, this year's bumper harvest is good cause for optimism.

7. The headlight is joined perfectly with a bumper, hood and radiator frame.

8. Several bumper harvests increased his desire to meet Chairman Mao and express his gratitude to the helmsman.

9. They threw tofu at each other to express their best wishes and hope for a bumper harvest in the new year.

10. Hengxian county in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is enjoying a bumper jasmine harvest this year.

bumper 英英释义


1. a mechanical device consisting of bars at either end of a vehicle to absorb shock and prevent serious damage

2. a glass filled to the brim (especially as a toast)

    e.g. we quaffed a bumper of ale

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