
burner cap是什么意思 burner cap在线翻译 burner cap什么意思 burner cap的意思 burner cap的翻译 burner cap的解释 burner cap的发音 burner cap的同义词

burner cap[ˈbɜ:nə kæp] 

burner cap 基本解释


burner cap 网络解释

1. 喷头:burner box==>喷燃器壳 | burner cap==>喷头 | burner characteristic==>喷燃器特性

2. 灯罩:灯;炉;燃烧器 burner | 灯罩 burner cap | 护焰围 burner flame retainer

3. 喷头, 喷嘴头:burner blower || (热风炉)烧嘴风机 | burner cap || 喷头, 喷嘴头 | burner cup || 喷(嘴)头

burner cap 双语例句

1. In this paper, the stratiform structure is formed from combusting gas flows of the premixed air-acetylene on burner, its interface is thought as axisymmetric spun conicoid, according to the best fitting spherical cap based on reasonable approximation, its equation of simulation curved surface is derived; the transmissivity of light and sensitivity factor with thickness on combusting flows are measured, the film thickness with different layer is revised based on measured result; while parallel input light pass through flame, the optical path difference is calculated during light propagation between the image plane and front-plane of film layer of flame, the phase change effects on phase hologram of laser is taken into consideration, the relevant parameter of phase hologram of laser is calculated; the relevant distance can be flexibly adjusted in experiments; the high quality kinoforms can be obtained.
    通过研究燃烧器中预混空气-乙炔气体燃烧气流形成层状结构,将其分界面看作轴对称的旋转二次曲面,根据合理近似处理最接近的球冠,并建立其模似曲面方程;通过对燃烧气流的光透射率和厚度灵敏因子的测量,对所设计的膜系结构的各个膜层的厚度进行修正;最后计算了平行光透过火焰膜层到像平面之间的光程差,并计算了这个光程差所导致的相位变化对激光相位全息图影响;通过计算获得激光相位全息图的有关参数,在实验中能灵活调整相关的距离,可得到极佳的激光相位全息图。标签层状结构燃烧气流光透射率厚度灵敏度光程差激光相位全息图 stratiform structure combusting gas flows transmissivity of light sensitivity factor with thickness the optical path difference phase hologram of laser

2. Hose coupling, PVC ball valve and plastic plumbing parts, steel gate wheel and fence cap, gas burner.
    6A23 管子接头,塑料球阀,移门钢轮,煤气灶。

3. burner cap的翻译

3. In this paper, the stratiform structure is formed from combusting gas flows of the premixed air-acetylene on burner, its interface is thought as axisymmetric spun conicoid, according to the best fitting spherical cap based on reasonable approximation, its equation of simulation curved surface is derived;

4. The burner is composed of an air-guiding pipe, a fire-stabilizing cover, an air-spraying cap, etc.

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