
buttons是什么意思 buttons在线翻译 buttons什么意思 buttons的意思 buttons的翻译 buttons的解释 buttons的发音 buttons的同义词 buttons的反义词



buttons 基本解释

纽扣;button的复数;按钮( button的名词复数 );徽章;没有价值的小东西;扣住,系住( button的第三人称单数 );扣…的钮扣;用钮扣扣上;

buttons 网络解释

1. 按钮:在按钮(Buttons)大类中:■ 按钮(Buttons)中的其他选项都是激活按钮的开关,被选中者将显示在工具条上. 我们知道了各个按钮的功能后设置起来会非常容易,因此此处只对重点地方作介绍.

2. 按键:2) 按键(Buttons)扫描与处理;骏龙(CYTECH)是SIGMATEL及其它众多知名IC公司在国内的一级代理. 在STMP36XX平台上骏龙已经开发出了丰富的应用,如在现有SDK基本功能基础上添加了ebook功能、万年历、游戏功能、触摸按键,

3. 鈕:创建按钮(Buttons)和导航条(Navigation Bars)(上 创建安钮(Buttons)和导航条(Navigation Bars)(上)一切都完成后,我们关闭安钮编辑器,回到通常的编辑界面,这时可以看到画板上出现了一个带有切割和热区的安钮,选自这个安钮,

buttons 单语例句

1. Some get carpal tunnel syndrome and thumb disorders from pushing the buttons, while others suffer eyestrain.

2. The News and Business function buttons enable users to instantly focus and refine the results presented to them with a simple mouse click.

3. Fans were all wearing red scarves and arrived with happy birthday wrist bands and commemorative'Susan Boyle'buttons they had made.

4. All he would have needed to do was tap a few buttons on his mobile phone to connect with the library's information service.

5. The mouse has two buttons and a wheel like a conventional type but also uses a USB connector making it more convenient for users.

6. TF requested the Chinese exhibitor remove its cuff buttons from the exhibition and face punishment.

7. Platinum faced soccer cuff buttons may be the best accessory for office ladies.

8. Choose a mouse with a flatter curve and wider interface to help soften the shock to your fingers from clicking the buttons.

9. Users can also sort by relevance and specific business line with the easy to use buttons and drop down menus.

10. The car's air conditioner was broken, and the windows were hard to open because the control buttons don't work properly.

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