
buttress是什么意思 buttress在线翻译 buttress什么意思 buttress的意思 buttress的翻译 buttress的解释 buttress的发音 buttress的同义词

buttress [ˈbʌtrəs]  [ˈbʌtrɪs] 


buttress 基本解释

名词扶壁; 支撑物

及物动词支持,鼓励; 用扶壁支撑,加固

buttress 相关例句


1. She buttressed her argument with solid facts.

buttress 网络解释

1. 扶壁:飞扶壁(Flying Buttress) 扶壁(Buttress),也称扶拱垛,是一种用来分担主墙压力的辅助设施,在罗曼式建筑中即已得到大量运用. 但哥特式建筑把原本实心的、被屋顶遮盖起来的扶壁,都露在外面,称为飞扶壁. 由于对教堂的高度有了进一步的要求,

2. 支持:根据品牌的基本营销策略概念,个人认为有如下四个元素,也就是我所说的4B营销理论:一、利益(benefit),二、心情(breast)三、支持(buttress),四、意外(bewildering).

3. 靶:amber light:琥珀灯光(计时信号) | buttress:靶 | anchor:(拉满弓后的) 固定姿势

4. 耸立在主峰前的岩石或山:Butterfly knot蝴蝶结. | Buttress 耸立在主峰前的岩石或山. | friends, camalots,aliens,TCUs 等.

buttress 词典解释

1. 扶壁;撑墙;扶垛
    Buttresses are supports, usually made of stone or brick, that support a wall.


2. 加强(论点或制度);支持(某人)
    To buttress an argument, system, or person means to give them support and strength.

    e.g. He sought to buttress some of his arguments with quotations from Mein Kampf...
    e.g. The president's tough line is, however, buttressed by a democratic mandate.

buttress 单语例句


1. New power generation will be necessary to buttress projected economic development, said Sun.

2. The government will also buttress the development of such rising industries as tourism equipment manufacturing and souvenir manufacturing.

3. Their trunks and branches buttress a leafy ceiling bejeweled with clumps of red coffee berries.

4. Ip also has plans for the engineering sector, proposing to buttress local engineering companies rather than to rely on foreign engineering.

5. His trip will buttress China's relations with these countries and strengthen its robust cooperation with the European Union at large.

6. The building blocks for strong capital markets buttress the broader development of a prosperous economy.

7. More substantial support is needed to buttress the first defense line, namely the SMEs in the coastal cities.

8. Developing countries have an urgent task to buttress their financial defense systems.

9. The survey's findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars among them Barbara Dafoe Whitehead of Rutgers University's National Marriage Project.

10. Developing an aircraft carrier will buttress the country's economic development in a strategically important period and its distinctive path of peaceful development.

buttress 英英释义


1. a support usually of stone or brick
    supports the wall of a building

    Synonym: buttressing


1. make stronger or defensible

    e.g. buttress your thesis

2. reinforce with a buttress

    e.g. Buttress the church

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