
canister是什么意思 canister在线翻译 canister什么意思 canister的意思 canister的翻译 canister的解释 canister的发音 canister的同义词

canister [ˈkænɪstə(r)]  [ˈkænɪstɚ] 


canister 基本解释

名词滤毒罐; (通常为金属的)小罐(装茶叶、咖啡等); 霰弹筒

canister 网络解释

1. 滤毒罐:我国先后研究出高效防护口罩,新型滤毒罐(Canister),高效过滤器(Highefficencyparticulateairfilter),高效滤材等. 我国缺少呼吸道防护装备对微生物气溶胶(microbi alaerosol)滤除率的生物测试验证国家标准,无统一评价其微生物气溶胶过滤性能的方法(1).

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 罐:精度:±0.25% FS* 最大采样罐(canister)充气压力: 2 psi 低于常压,30 psia (压力可选)* 采样罐(canister)通道: 最大2个独立通道. 1个通道可扩展到8端口(另选)* 采样管(cartridge)通道: 最大2个独立通道.

3. canister的翻译

3. 采样罐:* 温度控制KI 铜采样管(denuder)在用DNPH 采样管(cartridge) 对醛酮类物质(carbonyl)采样时以去除臭氧* 采样罐(canister)流量: 标称10 cc/min (可选择范围)* 采样管(cartridge)流量: 标称2升/分钟(可选择范围)* 采样罐(canister)压力测量范围: 0

4. 活性碳罐:控制拉线 Control Cable | 活性碳罐 Canister | 油箱浮筒 Tank Float

canister 词典解释

1. (储存气体或化学品的)金属罐,金属桶
    A canister is a strong metal container. It is used to hold gases or chemical substances.

    e.g. Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.
    e.g. ...canisters of commercial fuel.

2. (用金属、塑料、瓷器制作的盛放糖、面粉等的)盒子,罐子,筒
    A canister is a metal, plastic, or china container with a lid. It is used for storing food such as sugar and flour.

3. 胶卷筒
    A canister is a flat round container. It is usually made of metal and is used to store photographic film.

    e.g. She bought a travel-bag large enough to contain the film canisters.

canister 单语例句

1. But a senior Interior Ministry official said a gas canister had exploded by accident.

2. " And we're ready to go, " Chafer said after inserting the silver canister.

3. She said one of the men then took out a plastic gasoline canister and poured a liquid under the car.

4. The shielding canister deformed under a sudden increase of hydraulic pressure from a flood tide, according to a local media report.

5. The next stop for the capsule is the Johnson Space Center in Houston, where scientists will unlock its canister later this week.

6. A diagnostic canister is placed in the shaft above the device, it contains instruments to collect data from the blast.

7. Officials initially blamed the explosion on a leaky gas canister, but later said it was caused by a bomb.

8. Workers hung out of nearby windows after a canister landed in their office.

9. It said the blast was " probably " due to the explosion of a gas canister.

10. It also removed a canister filter from the oxygen delivery system, and that has increased the volume of air flowing to pilots.

canister 英英释义


1. metal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour

    Synonym: cannistertin

2. a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm

    Synonym: case shotcanister shot

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