
canteen是什么意思 canteen在线翻译 canteen什么意思 canteen的意思 canteen的翻译 canteen的解释 canteen的发音 canteen的同义词 canteen的反义词

canteen [kænˈti:n]  [kænˈtin] 


canteen 基本解释

名词小卖部; 食堂,小饭馆; 水罐; 餐具盒,炊具箱

canteen 网络解释

1. 食堂:每个hall的宿舍都会至少配有2样东西:食堂(canteen)与车站(bus stop),有多少hall,就有多少canteen与bus stop. 学生们不用去挤食堂,最有特色的是,食堂里每个摊位都是招标进来的,因此风味也不同. 有Chinese food(中餐),

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 餐厅:在公司的餐厅(canteen)或路边的快餐店(fastfoodrestaurant)里面,人们可以享受到不错的午餐. 很受欢迎的是热狗(hotdog)和法式三明治(Frenchsandwiches),再加上一包薯片(chips). 还有一些人喜欢用便携的容器从家里带来准备好的午餐,

3. (机关单位和军队里的)食堂:eating house 饮食店 | canteen (机关单位和军队里的)食堂 | dining hall 大餐厅,食堂

4. canteen

4. 宣传活动:campaign 摄像机 | canteen 宣传活动 | capacity 职工食堂

canteen 词典解释

1. (工厂、商店、高校的)食堂,餐厅
    A canteen is a place in a factory, shop, or college where meals are served to the people who work or study there.


    e.g. Rennie had eaten his tea in the canteen.
    e.g. ...a school canteen.

2. (士兵等用的)水壶
    A canteen is a small plastic bottle for carrying water and other drinks. Canteens are used by soldiers.

    e.g. ...a full canteen of water.

3. (放置刀、叉、勺子的)餐具盒
    A canteen of cutlery is a set of knives, forks, and spoons in a specially designed box.

canteen 单语例句

1. It has been dubbed a " celebrity canteen " and Hong Kong's " Shaolin Temple in dining ".

2. BEIJING - Universities and colleges in Beijing have received order to maintain current prices, varieties and qualities of canteen food amid food price hikes on the market.

3. Most of the students who board at the school are from poor rural families, and the school canteen plays a vital role to provide nutrition to them.

4. He then added that how he always goes downstairs to the canteen late and is normally back to his seat within 15 minutes.

5. Students at that school have posted pictures on the campus website showing cockroaches that had been found in food from the campus canteen.

6. Police in Xuzhou ruled out the possibility that the food in the canteen was contaminated and believed somebody must have poisoned the victims'supper.

7. Seeing several students falling to the school canteen's floor and convulsing, the girl tried to run out of the canteen but soon began to vomit.

8. Authorities suspended the principal after the incident and the people who contracted out the school canteen were under control by the local authority.

9. They fear their children have been poisoned by food at the school canteen or by snacks from the school tuck shop.

10. It intends to expand this service through 2015 by setting up at least one canteen for the elderly in every 800 households.

canteen 英英释义


1. a flask for carrying water
    used by soldiers or travelers

2. restaurant in a factory
    where workers can eat

3. a recreation room in an institution

4. a restaurant outside
    often for soldiers or policemen

    Synonym: mobile canteen

5. sells food and personal items to personnel at an institution or school or camp etc.

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