
carrying pole是什么意思 carrying pole在线翻译 carrying pole什么意思 carrying pole的意思 carrying pole的翻译 carrying pole的解释 carrying pole的发音

carrying pole[ˈkæriiŋ pəul] 

carrying pole 基本解释


carrying pole 网络解释

1. 扁担:carrying case 手提箱 | carrying pole 扁担 | carrying steamer 载运轮船

carrying pole 双语例句

1. Through a great deal site practical gauging date analysis, the authors found that gauging task can be completed by using shorter pole and by using amperemeter calibrating method and on the district which has better compactness(Well site or both sides of the highway) buried test pole, carrying on measurement.

2. Rolling tube equipment, goods fork, adjusting-distance fork, pushing and pulling equipment, cardboard box clip, fork clip, side-moving, brick transporting equipment, paper winding clip, non-arm clip, flexible fork, circle-pole clip, bucket clip, dual-functional fork, multi-functional tray fork, carrying-load stabilizing equipment, soft package clip, dumping and reversing fork frame, front-moving fork, revolving fork, multi-functional steel arm clip, revolving fork.

3. The two grown children, a boy and girl, jumped off carrying harnesses and a bamboo cable and climbed to a path on the bank. Mother stayed at the rudder, steering, while father stood on the bow with a long bamboo pole with an iron point, which he used to prevent beaching or collision.

4. Take this carrying-pole with you.

5. Whatever the performance style, they need stages. The stage is to separate the front court, audience and the performances, also offers the drama scenery for the performance. At the initial stage of glove puppet show development, the stage is simple and crude, it set up by carrying pole and curtain made of cloth.

6. He took pole despite carrying more fuel than his team mate and that was the key to it really.

7. I saw a carrying pole star in the cloudness summer night.

8. Put the carrying pole in a horizontal position.

9. carrying pole

9. Present station must resemble the officer of Beijing more, a carrying pole is dropped also can call 3 directors.

10. He could earn 90 Yuan RMB a month by carrying heavy burdens on a pole.

11. A street vender of foods with her carrying pole in Bangkok.

12. He wobbled up the slope from the river, carrying two buckets of water on a shoulder pole.

13. A long line of workers, each carrying two baskets of earth hung from a bamboo pole, filled the roadway.

14. Soil. A long line of workers, each carrying two baskets of earth hung from a bamboo pole, filled the roadway.

15. He shouldered the loaded carrying pole and walked off with a swing.

16. carrying pole在线翻译

16. The carrying pole creaked under the load.

17. carrying pole的翻译

17. The puppeteer performed his " carrying pole drama " in the streets, because only one person pick a load of drama box could perform in street or village.

18. carrying pole的翻译

18. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets with one shoulder pole.

19. The paper calculated and analysed the carrying capacity of the slightness pressed pole under orientational load that is ordinary in engineering, and gave a theory gist for the practice use of it.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. This paper also analyzes the cost and key technological measures for steel carrying pole method.

carrying pole 单语例句

1. Farmers carrying dangling loads on a pole over their shoulder occasional walk by, as do leisurely herders leading their cows along a lane.

2. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets with one shoulder pole.

3. Once she saw an old man with traditional black clothes and shoes carrying two baskets on a shoulder pole.

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