
cassava是什么意思 cassava在线翻译 cassava什么意思 cassava的意思 cassava的翻译 cassava的解释 cassava的发音 cassava的同义词 cassava的反义词

cassava [kəˈsɑ:və]  [kəˈsɑvə] 

cassava 基本解释

名词木薯; 甜木薯

cassava 网络解释

1. 木薯:联合国粮农组织近期表示,木薯(Cassava)是世界105个国家的10亿人口的主食,还可以用于生产生物燃料,对于全球粮食和能源安全具有重要意义,目前需要显著增加对于木薯研究和开发的投资.

2. 樹薯:1)斐济人以芋头(Taro)、树薯(Cassava)及面包果为主食,Rourou为其名菜(做法是将猪、牛、鸡、鱼、等肉类包在大芋头叶中,在里头以炙热石头烧烤,充满原始风味.)在斐济的印度族人则因信仰印度教、回教及素食主义者教义各异,

3. 木薯属植物:telescope casing 望远镜套筒 | cassava 木薯属植物 | cassette 盒,箱,盒式磁带,暗盒

4. cassava的近义词

4. 木薯 ; 树薯:Casparian strip 凯氏带; 嘉氏带 | cassava 木薯 ; 树薯 | caste 阶级; 级

cassava 词典解释

1. 木薯
    Cassava is a South American plant with thick roots. It is grown for food.


2. 木薯粉
    Cassava is a substance that comes from the root of the cassava plant and is used to make flour.

cassava 单语例句

1. Now that same land is used to grow sugar cane and cassava.

2. Fu said she planted the cassava in her sugar cane field about a year ago.

3. The government has also instructed local manufacturers such as feed and flour mills to either input or increase cassava content in their products.

4. The ministry would also subsidize demonstration projects producing ethanol from cellulose, sweet sorghum and cassava or making biodiesel from forest products.

5. Other children carried buckets of cassava on their heads, a starchy root that is the children's principal food along with rice and beans.

6. Experts estimate that for Nigeria to meet its current domestic demand for cassava starch, it may need at least 15 to 17 starch plants.

7. The cassava is 50 cm high and 30 cm wide and appears to be the biggest such plant ever cultivated in Hainan province.

8. The problem was attributed to lack of water in Bandundu province that can be used to eliminate this cyanide from cassava within appropriate time.

9. Nigeria has the double advantage of being the world's largest producer of cassava as well as the sixth largest producer of crude petroleum.

10. The Chinese will definitely benefit more by investing in the downstream cassava industry rather than mere imports of the harvested tubers.

cassava 英英释义



1. any of several plants of the genus Manihot having fleshy roots yielding a nutritious starch

    Synonym: casava

2. cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching
    source of tapioca

    Synonym: manioc

3. a starch made by leaching and drying the root of the cassava plant
    the source of tapioca
    a staple food in the tropics

    Synonym: cassava starchmaniocmanioca

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