
casseroles是什么意思 casseroles在线翻译 casseroles什么意思 casseroles的意思 casseroles的翻译 casseroles的解释 casseroles的发音 casseroles的同义词



casseroles 基本解释

砂锅;砂锅菜;焙盘菜;焙盘( casserole的名词复数 );


casseroles 双语例句

1. And baked in custard cups or small individual casseroles.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Sage is commonly used in sausage and in sautéed food or casseroles.

3. casseroles在线翻译

3. Amanda Ursell, the Times nutritionist, suggests dishing up stews and casseroles with meat, vegetables and potatoes.

4. Products are: Cape casseroles heat-resistant, high heat resistance casseroles, explosion-proof casseroles, cooking pot, rice cooker, porridge pot, tea pot, and so on.

5. casseroles的近义词

5. From Ohio and she does casseroles and jello and things like...

6. Most people serve casseroles during winter months or in cold...

7. The cherry-stained kitchen cabinets look warmer, richer; the shelves of mixing bowls, crocks and casseroles, the rows of spices and jars and bottles, are homier.

8. You can also use it in casseroles to great effect.

9. Yunnan Zhuang traditional specialty, and fall out with the dog隔水炖Add cooked casseroles made.

10. They give an excellent flavour to casseroles and are also very good baked to serve with roast meat.

11. All clay casseroles are food, oven and dishwasher safe.

12. Probably every cook has his or her own cooking style But there are some basic techniques and principles that most people follow For example, baking is a primary method of preparing food in America The dinner menu often has casseroles, roast meats and other baked goods For that reason, Americans would find it next to impossible to live without an oven American cooks give special attention to the balance of foods, too In planning a big meal they try to include a meat, a few vegetables, some bread or pasta and often a dessert They also like to make sure the meal is colorful Having several different colors of food on the plate usually makes for a healthy meal

13. casseroles的反义词

13. Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles

14. For example, baking is a primary method of preparing food in America. The dinner menu often has casseroles, roast meats and other baked goods.

15. Delicious with game, red meat, casseroles and cheese.

16. You might relegate onions to the list of old-fashioned kitchen standbys, as you can slice and dice them into everything from home fries and soups to omelets and casseroles.

17. Typical brunches include breakfast casseroles or quiches loaded with sausages, cheese, butter and cream, all served with hot cross buns, cinnamon rolls, or pastries.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. You can use leftover turkey in casseroles and sandwiches.

19. casseroles在线翻译

19. It can be stringy, but the left-over pulp can also be added to soups or casseroles for extra fibre.

20. casseroles的翻译

20. Moreover, he was the first to use silver urns and casseroles, and vessels of chased silver, one hundred pounds in weight, some of them spoiled by the lewdest designs.

casseroles 单语例句

1. Most dishes in the Lisboa are served in big ceramic casseroles, and their portions are very generous.

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