
cassock是什么意思 cassock在线翻译 cassock什么意思 cassock的意思 cassock的翻译 cassock的解释 cassock的发音 cassock的同义词 cassock的反义词

cassock [ˈkæsək]  [ˈkæsək] 


cassock 基本解释



cassock 网络解释

1. 袈裟:cassiterite 锡石 | cassock 袈裟 | cassocked 身着法衣的

2. 教士服:crosier, crozier, staff 牧杖 | cassock 教士服 | cape 罩袍,法袍

3. 教士袍:教士服 clerical | 教士袍 cassock | 斜紋織夾克 twill jacket

4. 神职人员长袍:卡赛内特棉毛交织呢 cassinet | 全棉纱卡赛内特斜纹裤料 cassinetta | 神职人员长袍 cassock

cassock 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Now pilgrim to the sun to patch your cassock.

2. Deep in the jungle, she bumped into a handsome dressed in cassock...

3. She was a nettle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible.

4. She was a netle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible.

5. Dawn of the night torn cassock, in the windows Shangma a layer of pale blue light.

6. cassock的意思

6. Among them, the preserved corpse of Xinzhui, wife of Marquis Dai, the colored silk painting and the white gauze cassock are all unique in human history.
    D7 r 其中,历经千年不朽的轪侯夫人辛追的遗体、彩绘帛画、素纱禅衣为世间绝无仅有。

7. The vicar, dressed in cassock and surplice, was giving out the prizes in church.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Its cassock is mounted with beautiful interlocking lotus, looks like gorgeous brocade.

9. Like an old monk in a vivid cassock head dropped and eyes shut, is being baptized in the rain.

10. That orange house, like an aging monk with a vivid cassock dropping head and closing eyes, is accepting baptism of rain.

11. While leading to have another, the drunkard is gradually awake, he opens a pair of eyes slowly, seeing own the abode in 佛, ate first a surprised, immediately again see an own body wear cassock, touch a head also only, feel frightened terror, turn round and then went away.

12. The Buddha stayed there for seven days, preached Dharma for King Suddhodhana, the Buddha also accepted the cassock sewn with gold thread given by his aunt.

13. cassock是什么意思

13. Although the Monkey King had severely penalized the black-hearted abbot, he lost the master's cassock once again.

14. From the fascist's brown shirt to the bishop's purple cassock, authorities have a fetishistic attraction to the tailor and milliner.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. Wearing cassock, a flamen was inspecting the detailed work in the sacrifice hall.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. When you put on love, wedding, and I donned a monk's cassock.

17. She helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock.

18. cassock什么意思

18. A long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests.

19. At Toulon he was clothed in the red cassock.

20. His black cassock was dusty and sweat-stained.

cassock 词典解释

1. (某些教派神职人员所穿、通常为黑色的)长袍,法衣
    A cassock is a long piece of clothing, often black, that is worn by members of the clergy in some churches.

cassock 单语例句

1. Many people picture Ji wearing a broken monk's cap and torn cassock, holding a broken fan.

2. At the start he was wheeled to the window while seated and wore his traditional white cassock and skullcap.

cassock 英英释义


1. a black garment reaching down to the ankles
    worn by priests or choristers

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