
catastrophic是什么意思 catastrophic在线翻译 catastrophic什么意思 catastrophic的意思 catastrophic的翻译 catastrophic的解释 catastrophic的发音

catastrophic [ˌkætə'strɒfɪk]  [ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪk] 

catastrophic 基本解释

形容词灾难的; 惨重的,悲惨结局的

catastrophic 网络解释

1. 灾难性的:在中国目前的法制现状、社会道德水准的情况下,如果安乐死合法化,将会带来不可估量的(unpredictable)、灾难性的(catastrophic)伦理危机.

2. 灾难性:按照干扰发生的范围一般可分为小规模的细尺度干扰(fine scale disturbance)和大规模灾难性(catastrophic)的粗尺度干扰(Coarse scale disturbance),一般是以0.1hm2为界限,干扰范围在0.1hm2以下属细粒级干扰,而在0.1hm2以上者为粗粒级的干扰[17],

3. 灾难:后果可以根据对性能、代价及进度等关键因素的潜在影响来考虑,在程度上可分为可忽略(Insignificant)、小(Minor)、中等(moderate)、大(Major)及灾难(Catastrophic)五种.

catastrophic 词典解释

1. 灾难性的;引起重大灾难的
    Something that is catastrophic involves or causes a sudden terrible disaster.

    e.g. A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage...
    e.g. The water shortage in this country is potentially catastrophic...

The faulty left-hand engine failed catastrophically as the aircraft approached the airport.

2. 糟糕的;不成功的
    If you describe something as catastrophic, you mean that it is very bad or unsuccessful.


    e.g. ...another catastrophic attempt to arrest control from a rival Christian militia...
    e.g. His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.

By the time we had to sell, prices had fallen catastrophically.

catastrophic 单语例句

1. Bush was able to invade Iraq, hence precipitating a cascade of catastrophic events for the US.

2. US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned of'catastrophic risk'regarding the Eurozone.

3. BEIJING - China's economy is up against a triple threat of weakening global growth, possible domestic overheating and the catastrophic impact of recent severe weather.

4. Economics teaches us that when there is huge uncertainty over about catastrophic risks, it is dangerous to rely too much on the price mechanism to get incentives right.

5. The venting reminded scientists of the volcano's activity 20 years ago, when it built the dome following its catastrophic 1980 eruption.

6. Delegates from both Turkey and Qatar favored a diplomatic approach, warning a military showdown is an ineffective solution that may prove catastrophic to the region.

7. Getting manufacturing up and working again may be a bigger challenge than in the catastrophic 1995 Kobe earthquake because a larger area is affected.

8. Some of the world's biggest quakes strike in subduction zones including the catastrophic Indian Ocean temblor in 2004 that generated deadly tsunami waves.

9. Bush congratulated the prime minister on his response when his country was hit with terror threats and catastrophic flooding immediately after he took office.

10. This oversight in turn threatens sustained economic growth and has often led to environmental degradation, which will prove catastrophic to mankind in the long run.

catastrophic 英英释义


1. extremely harmful
    bringing physical or financial ruin

    e.g. a catastrophic depression
           catastrophic illness
           a ruinous course of action

    Synonym: ruinous

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