
ce是什么意思 ce在线翻译 ce什么意思 ce的意思 ce的翻译 ce的解释 ce的发音 ce的同义词 ce的反义词 ce的例句 ce的相关词组 ce意思是什么


ce 基本解释

abbr.chief engineer 总工程师; converting enzyme 转换酶; center of effort 力作用中心; 元素铈(cerium)的符号

ce 网络解释

1. ce的反义词

1. 铈:中温系3、金箭焊料有限公司无铅焊料成份的筛选:筛选依据见本文(三),为达目标选择种类以Sn-Cu系Sn-Ag系为基础,供选择的添加元素如下:●熔点降低类:铟(In)铋(Bi)●抗氧化类:镓(Ga)铟(In)磷(P)●改善组织结构类:锗(Ge)铈(Ce)(请参考以下示意图

2. 客户边缘路由器:CPE被称为客户边缘路由器(CE). 在InternetConnect网络中,同CE相连的路由器称为供应商边缘路由器(PE). 一个VPN数据包括一组CE路由器,以及同其相连的InternetConnect网中的PE路由器. 只有PE路由器理解VPN. CE路由器并不理解潜在的网络.

3. ce:capillary eletrophoresis; 毛细管电泳

4. ce:cellextracs; 细胞裂解液

5. ce:conjugated estrogens; 结合雌激素

6. ce:control elements; 控制件

ce 单语例句


1. Hong Kong Senior Government Officers'Association president Peter Chan was pleased that a capable person like Tsang would be elected the CE.

2. Wynn Resorts Chairman and CE Stephen Wynn is commonly known as the " father of Las Vegas ".

3. Hui said the sports community was dissatisfied with any relocation and said the CE had promised to develop the sports city in his election platform.

4. The CE has thus encouraged his supporters to speak out and Lam stressed that people who hold opposite views should stay rational in expressing themselves.

5. The respondents thought that the future CE should tackle economic restructuring and the widening poverty gap first before improving education system.

6. Since the electorate base of functional constituencies exceeds 3 million people, the representativeness of the CE and the legislature would thus be further bolstered.

7. There is also a government amendment stipulating that a candidate for the CE must secure more than 600 votes in order to be returned.

8. The CE said the central government's appointments have infused new blood into his governing team, ensuring its continuity and stability at the same time.

9. The CE thanked the outgoing chief secretary Rafael Hui and the five directors of bureaus for " their patriotism and passion to serve the community ".

10. Our CE should maintain a pragmatic approach toward his Policy Address, with concrete measures to address public needs in terms of housing and poverty relief.

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