
chancellor是什么意思 chancellor在线翻译 chancellor什么意思 chancellor的意思 chancellor的翻译 chancellor的解释 chancellor的发音 chancellor的同义词

chancellor ['tʃɑ:nsələ(r)]  [ˈtʃænsəlɚ, -slɚ] 


chancellor 基本解释

名词大臣; (某些美国大学的)校长; (德国或奥地利的)总理; (英国大学的)名誉校长

chancellor 相关例句


1. In Britain the Chancellor of the Exchequer deals with taxes and government spending.

chancellor 网络解释

1. 名誉校长:世界名校英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)最近宣布中国科学院上海原子核研究所所长杨福家教授为名誉校长(Chancellor),这是英国大学第一次从中国大陆聘请学者出任名誉校长.

2. chancellor的解释

2. 大学校长:在英国大学,校长(Chancellor)是一种荣誉性职位,实际校务由副校长(Vice-Chancellor)主持. 演讲者科林.卢卡斯爵士担任牛津大学副校长. 我国教育界一般称这一职位为校长.

3. 大臣:他曾先后担任过阿莱昂的外交大臣(Chancellor)以及教区主教(Diocese Bishop),除了因为工作的巨大压力而抑郁寡欢(Stressed)之外,唯一的长处就只是精通各类宗教领域的事务(Master Theologian).

4. chancellor

4. 大法官::> 把负责财务行政和财务诉讼的财务法院(Exchequer)从御前会议中分离出来使:> 应向朝廷的一位大臣即大法官(Chancellor)申请发给令状,根据令状并向大:> 法官公署(Chancery)缴纳费用,皇家法院才可受理.

chancellor 词典解释

1. (德国或奥地利的)总理
    Chancellor is the title of the head of government in Germany and Austria.


    e.g. ...Chancellor Gerhard Schröder of Germany.
    e.g. ...as the Chancellor arrived.

2. (英国的)财政大臣
    In Britain, the Chancellor is the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


3. (英国大学的)名誉校长
    The Chancellor of a British university is the official head of the university. The Chancellor does not take part in running the university.

4. (美国某些大学的)校长
    The head of some American universities is called the Chancellor .

5. see also: vice-chancellor

chancellor 单语例句

1. Chirac endorsed a controversial call by German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for a revamp of NATO, which the United States has rebuffed.

2. German Chancellor Angela Merkel extended an invitation to him in a phone call on Sunday night to visit Berlin.

3. Chancellor Angela Merkel called her a " distinguished " and " very experienced " personality.

4. China extended congratulations yesterday to German conservative leader Angela Merkel on her victory in becoming Germany's first woman chancellor in a grand coalition government.

5. The nomination puts Koehler at the center of fresh attacks on Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's economic record and his struggle to trim costly social programs.

6. The ripples from the case have spread across the border into Germany, where Elf embarked on controversial expansion projects in Helmut Kohl's era as Chancellor.

7. It sometimes seems that the only eurozone leader who is willing to face the likely prospect of future debt restructuring is German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

8. German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned her people that the start of the new decade will not herald immediate relief from the global economic ills.

9. The chancellor said she hoped these talks could get under way next month when Portugal takes over the rotating EU presidency from Germany.

10. Frequent visits by government heads like the chancellor of Germany and the president of France give a momentum to discussion of EU issues.

chancellor 英英释义


1. the honorary or titular head of a university

2. the person who is head of state (in several countries)

    Synonym: premierprime minister

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