
char是什么意思 char在线翻译 char什么意思 char的意思 char的翻译 char的解释 char的发音 char的同义词 char的反义词 char的例句 char的相关词组

char [tʃɑ:(r)]  [tʃɑr] 


char 基本解释

及物动词烧焦; 把…烧成炭,把…烧焦

不及物动词烧成炭,烧焦; <主英>做杂役女佣

名词碳; (尤指家庭的)杂务; <鱼>嘉鱼; 茶(英式英语旧时用法)

char 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 字符:是萨克斯家族中音调第二高的乐器,仅次于现代很少被使用而我也没看过吹过也很想看看的超高音萨克斯风(Sopranino)19、把数字转为字符,查代码代表的字符:(char)代码

2. 定长字符串:元数据(metadata)是关于数据库本身结构的数据. 这些数据包括诸如数据库中表、索引、列的列表之类的信息. 字符串 定长字符串(CHAR)和变长字符串(VARCHAR)图形字符串 定长图形字符串(GRAPHIC)和变长图形字符串(VARGRAPHIC、LONG VARGRAPHIC 和 DBCLOB)

3. 角色:每个角色(char)都有自己的天赋(gift),包括膂力、胆识、悟性、灵性、定力、容貌、根骨、福缘. (7)根骨:根骨高者恢复快,而且练习(exercise)时效率也高. 不过可以通过提高内功等级来提高练习效率,而且灵力、内力、法力较高时,恢复也可以提高,

4. char

4. 字符型:文章关键词:类型,变量,成员,结构,数据,指针,地点,内存,编译器,长度 正文: C言语的数据类型有四种:基本类型 (整数型 (int)浮点型(float double) 字符型 (char)) 指针类型 结构类型 (包括:数组结构型(struct) 联合型(union)

5. char:character; 字符;特值

char 词典解释

1. (将…)略微烧焦;(把…)烤煳
    If food chars or if you char it, it burns slightly and turns black as it is cooking.

    e.g. Toast hazelnuts on a baking sheet until the skins char...
    e.g. Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill.

The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.

2. 当清洁工
    If a woman chars for someone, she works as their cleaner.

    e.g. I'm calling round at the Rodings to ask if Mrs Higgins will char for you.

    Tea that you drink can be referred to as char .

    e.g. Is there any char going?

4. see also: charred

char 单语例句

1. Try char grilled barbeque at Westin Beijing Financial Street's outdoor Zen garden.

2. Guests will be treated to individual culinary touches, including an exquisite chocolate and cheese trolley designed exclusively for CHAR private.

3. Then I broiled the lamb to char the surface and keep the meat juicy and rare.

4. CHAR's original moon cake creations include foie gras, curried beef and pork floss with onion flavor.

5. Char's signature six kinds of sea salt and vegetable sides were placed in a lazy Susan for sharing.

6. Several people were also wounded in Saturday's attack in Char Khel village in the troubled tribal region of Kurram.

7. Excessively high temperature can char meat on the outside before the inside is done.

8. Higgs said he gave the lamb a slight char on the surface, to match the wine.

9. When you see char marks around the edges and the mushroom begins to " sweat ", it's ready.

10. Where it hasn't quite become the phoenix or the burnt char.


char 英英释义


1. any of several small trout-like fish of the genus Salvelinus

    Synonym: charr

2. a human female employed to do housework

    e.g. the char will clean the carpet
           I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write

    Synonym: charwomancleaning womancleaning ladywoman

3. a charred substance



1. burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color

    e.g. The cook blackened the chicken breast
           The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece
           the flames scorched the ceiling

    Synonym: blackensearscorch

2. burn to charcoal

    e.g. Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything

    Synonym: coal

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