
chi是什么意思 chi在线翻译 chi什么意思 chi的意思 chi的翻译 chi的解释 chi的发音 chi的同义词 chi的反义词 chi的例句 chi的相关词组

chi [kaɪ]  [kaɪ] 


chi 基本解释

名词希腊字母的第 22字

chi 情景对话

Health Club-(健身俱乐部)

A:Hey, Susie, what health club do you belong to?

B:Total Fitness, why?

A:Well, I’ve been going to Athletic Express, but I don’t like it there.
      哦,我一直都是去Athletic Express,可是我不喜欢那儿。

B:Really? Why not? I hear it’s pretty good.


A:The people don’t really work out there. They just stand around and talk all the time.

B:Oh, it’s one of those places.

A:Yeah, is your club different?

B:Well, they have different rooms. I lift weights by the pool where there aren’t so many people.

A:Do they have a lot of equipment?


B:Yeah, they have all the machines, a pool, and a steam room and sauna.


A:Sounds nice. What about classes?

B:The usual. Aerobics, kickboxing, yoga. They just started a Tai Chi class too.

A:Wow, that sounds great.


B:Well, I have a guest pass. Why don’t you come with me tonight?

A:Really? Thanks. I’ll stop by when I get off work.

B:Perfect. See you later.


A:O.K., see you.

chi 网络解释

1. chi的翻译

1. 智利:美国CRC -请把各个国家的简称给我发来 例如 中国 CN 阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 阿尔及利亚(ALG) 阿根廷(ARG) 亚美尼亚(ARM) 澳大利亚(AUS) 奥地利(AUT) 巴巴多斯(BAR) 比利时(BEL) 百慕大(BER) 白俄罗斯(BLR) 巴西(BRA) 保加利亚(BUL) 加拿大(CAN) 智利(CHI) 中国(CHN)

2. 芝加哥:上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 芝加哥(CHI)上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 底特律(DTW)上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PVG) 拉斯维加斯(LAS)上海辉悦国际货物运输代理有限公司 上海(PV

3. chi:computer human interaction; 人机交互

4. chi:consumer health informarion; 消费者健康资讯

5. chi:computer human interface; 机人接口

6. chi的反义词

6. chi:channel interface; 通道接口

chi 单语例句

1. The Bloomberg report also quoted Chi Mei Optoelectronics spokesman Eddie Chen as saying his company will now apply in the mainland for a business licence.

2. Many of Chi's female contemporaries focus on urban life, but Chi chooses to avoid the hustle and bustle of the cities.

3. Chi is an optimist by nature, says that China is facing many challenges and difficulties domestically and internationally.

4. Chi also said that LNG carrier can help the efforts of easing gas shortage, particularly near coastal areas.

5. He also took part in an acupuncture club at the campus and learned tai chi in his spare time.

6. " And Tai Chi is too slow for me, " she says.

7. Local leadership spontaneously involved and people who knew traditional forms of exercise tai chi, wushu and numerous dances voluntarily started groups.

8. Chi said he was unaware that any plagiarism had taken place, but was still asked to submit a letter criticizing himself for the lapse in supervision.

9. They decide these things on the basis of their feel for the flow of chi, electromagnetic fields or whatever other form of energy the client will worry about.

10. A Finnish foreign language teacher jumps into the road and uses tai chi to force cars to stop at a zebra crossing for pedestrians.

chi 英英释义


1. the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet

    Synonym: khi

2. the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things
    in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health

    Synonym: qich'iki

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