
chief of staff是什么意思 chief of staff在线翻译 chief of staff什么意思 chief of staff的意思 chief of staff的翻译 chief of staff的解释

chief of staff [tʃi:f ɔv stɑ:f]  [tʃif ʌv stæf] 

chief of staff 基本解释


chief of staff 网络解释

1. 参谋长:1964年,博卡萨被任命为三军参谋长(Chief of staff). 1969年4月,一场没有成功的政变使得博卡萨更加努力巩固自己的权势. 1972年3月,博卡萨宣布他为终身总统(President for Life)并为黑非社会发展运动党的终身主席.

2. 主管:白宫人事主管(Chief of Staff)芝加哥人 Rahm Emanuel, 中间就坐者最近美国旅游作家协会( SATW) 评选出了北美五大现场音乐城市,该评选来自于众多的旅游者和旅游作家.

3. chief of staff的翻译

3. 办公室主任:父亲陈灿赐4岁由香港移民至蒙特利尔,青年时曾是魁北克乒乓球全省冠军,目前是安省移民厅长科尔(Mike Cole)办公室主任(Chief of Staff). 母亲陈美月来自大陆,20多岁来加留学,也是运动爱好者,怀孕8个月时仍打网球. 在渥太华童年时代,

4. chief of staff

4. 联席幕僚长:associate counsel 助力咨询顾问 | chief of staff 联席幕僚长 | provisional;acting 代理,临时的

chief of staff 单语例句

1. The same aide also said Caldera should notify deputy chief of staff Jim Messina because it was an unusual move.

2. Adam's outline also complained that the governor can't question people who would help his case, such as President Barack Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.

3. " We are almost certainly going to end the year higher than last year, " said Army vice chief of staff Peter Chiarelli at a press conference.

4. And Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is a former Obama chief of staff.

5. It will be the first trip of a Chinese military chief of general staff to the country.

6. White House chief of staff Andy Card told Snow to ignore it all.

7. The " House of Cards " novel was written by Michael Dobbs, former Conservative Party chief of staff.

8. Before Southworth left for Iraq, he was chief of staff for a state representative.

9. Former Secretary of State George Shultz and former chief of staff Howard Baker were among the onetime Reagan aides who came to Blair House.

10. He said that Chen's visit is the first to Ukraine by a chief of the General Staff of the Chinese armed forces in 10 years.

chief of staff的翻译

chief of staff 英英释义



1. the senior officer of a service of the armed forces

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