
chignon是什么意思 chignon在线翻译 chignon什么意思 chignon的意思 chignon的翻译 chignon的解释 chignon的发音 chignon的同义词 chignon的反义词

chignon [ˈʃi:njɒn]  [ˈʃi:njɑ:n] 


chignon 基本解释


chignon 网络解释

1. 假髻:chigger 恙螨 | chignon 假髻 | chigoe 跳蚤

2. 假发髻:Chifonese 雪纺尼斯醋酯纤维窗帘织物 | chignon 假发髻 | chikan 绣花细薄布

3. 红梅色:Brunette 黑棕色 | Chignon:红梅色 (Glaze) | What a 'Do!:粉珊瑚色 (Frost)

4. 假髻 (名):chigger 一种沙蚤 (名) | chignon 假髻 (名) | chigoe 跳蚤的一种; 沙蚤 (名)

chignon 双语例句

1. Into a living room, I carefully look at the teacher level, the only black swan dressed in long skirt and wrapped her plump body bodybuilding weekdays in hangs loose falls behind, such as black hair-like in the first draft into a chic chignon to reveal a slender, ivory-like white neck, cheek blush faintly revealed faint, shallow charming smile like a dream.

2. chignon什么意思

2. Ryukin is just in conformity with this unique taste. If you compare it with the women in the painting, you will find that Ryukin is the fantastic variation of the women in the painting: The towering back peak is like the woman's tied chignon and the wide tail fin is like the feather fan in the woman's hands. Its plump abdomen seems to hide her winding minds and its sharp and thin head is like the woman's head with warm flood, full of shyness and tender.

3. chignon

3. I like the natural chignon, but I am disagreeable And soft And hair quality of the cogongrass

4. Now and again, when a women bent forward, the back of her neck glowed golden under a rain of curls, and the glitter of a diamond clasp lit up a lofty chignon.

5. She twisted and pinned hair into a loose chignon, leaving some pieces out for an organic look.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. From the top of her golden chignon to the tip of her graceful writing plume to the hem of her heavy satin Tiffany-blue gown, she is a symbol of all that is glorious and perfect.

7. Her hair was pulled back into a tight chignon, imparting a touch of severity to what was normally the warmest of faces.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Hurriedly and without changing her dress she had her hair done up and stuck white roses in her chignon and at her bosom.

9. chignon

9. He had moved the skies, the sea and the earth to find her, and there she was, more beautiful than ever, with a perfect black outfit, and a chignon that made her look like she was royalty.

10. See in reporter selling the ticket hall in Beijing Railway Station today, classical chignon of a comb, woman in bright yellow Chinese clothes line up to buy the train ticket at railway stations of Beijing.

11. That is in a cornerstone of another erected a boulder, Shek Pik on a high chignon ancient women together, such as foot long trailer to a high rock in the image of waiting.

12. chignon在线翻译

12. We want to make sure she gets an eiegant chignon.

13. Chignon, of human or animal hair or of textiles

14. For long hair, try tying it into a ponytail [3] and then loosely wrapping the tail around the fastening and pinning it into place to create a chic chignon [4].

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. Every part of the figure seems to be involved in these rhythms: the left hand is bent back and twisted outwards; the right, which holds a lotus bud, is also twisted as though to support the ornament enclosing the chignon of hair, and even the ear is exaggeratedly bent.

16. chignon什么意思

16. 48 Are evident. The Bodhisattva wears a similar kind of three-pointed tiara, with a high chignon of hair and thick ringlets falling on the shoulders.

17. chignon的近义词

17. For long hair, try tying it into a ponytail [ 3 ] and then loosely wrapping the tail around the fastening and pinning it into place to create a chic chignon [ 4 ].

18. Her eyes look sultry with hazy purple and gray tones, while her classic chignon shows off an amazing pair of jeweled earrings.

chignon 词典解释

1. (女人的)髻,发髻
    A chignon is a knot of hair worn at the back of a woman's head.

chignon 单语例句

1. Her hair was elegantly done up in a chignon and she was wearing a dress with a Laura Ashley pattern.

2. She knew that her beautiful flowery scarf, carefully combed chignon and elegant black dress had achieved their goals.

chignon 英英释义


1. a roll of hair worn at the nape of the neck

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