
chloride是什么意思 chloride在线翻译 chloride什么意思 chloride的意思 chloride的翻译 chloride的解释 chloride的发音 chloride的同义词

chloride [ˈklɔ:raɪd]  [ˈklɔrˌaɪd, ˈklor-] 


chloride 基本解释

名词氯化物; 〈口〉漂白粉

chloride 网络解释

1. 氯化物:不锈钢腐蚀(Corrosion of stalness steel) 水槽或洗碗机的黑点与凹洞 氯化物(Chloride)含量过高 可使用不同的滤材来处理. 也可使用逆渗透. 浊度(Turbidity) 泥沙、淤泥黏士等 水中的悬浮杂质 过滤

2. 氯:它同时也是一种黄绿色的气体元素----氯(chloride)及其化合物的字首.阿魏酸(ferulic acid)和黑芥子酸(sinapic acid)等等,苹果酸(malic acid) 和柠檬酸(citric acid)等等这些有机酸.通常这些可挥发的有机酸浓度在中度烘焙(medium roast)时最高,

3. chloride什么意思

3. 克劳瑞德:瑞银2009年最不看好的股票包括罗格朗(Legrand)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、西门子(Siemens)、山特维克(Sandvik)、斯凯孚(SKF)、阿法拉伐(Alfa Laval)、道依茨(Deutz)、德玛格(Demag)及克劳瑞德(Chloride),而最为看好的股票则包括阿尔斯通(Alstom

4. 氯离子:22.氯离子 (Chloride) 人体细胞外围最主要的负离子,维持电离子中和,与体内的钠对冲. 血清氯和钠很多时会同时增减. 参考值:96至108 mmol/L 高于参考值可能情况:过度换气引起的碱中毒、库欣氏症候群、大量脱水、肾功能失调等.

chloride 词典解释

1. 氯化物
    Chloride is a chemical compound of chlorine and another substance.

    e.g. The scientific name for common salt is sodium chloride.

chloride 单语例句

1. Police used squirt guns to dilute the smoke, while sealing the chloride tanker in water mixed with caustic soda.

2. The caustic soda is expected to reach 1 million tons, and polyvinyl chloride resin 1 million tons.

3. Lop Nur holds more than 500 million tons of potassium chloride reserves.

4. Hydrogen chloride leaked at a chemical factory in the county of Kaifeng of Henan on Saturday poisoning 376 local people.

5. The tests showed that the leaves contained high amounts of copper sulfate or copper chloride, normally used to make the leaves bright green.

6. At one time, freight was unloaded and taken by wagon to nearby mines in Winston or Chloride.

7. He refused to disclose the exact number of people hospitalized as a result of chloride gas poisoning.

8. He said the chemical would be chloride, which is commonly used in swimming pools.

9. Phthalates are commonly used as plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride products and products containing plastic components.

10. The bus flipped onto its roof and the tanker spilled it load of 25 tons of ammonium chloride.


chloride 英英释义



1. any salt of hydrochloric acid (containing the chloride ion)

2. any compound containing a chlorine atom

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