
clatter是什么意思 clatter在线翻译 clatter什么意思 clatter的意思 clatter的翻译 clatter的解释 clatter的发音 clatter的同义词 clatter的反义词

clatter [ˈklætə(r)]  [ˈklætɚ] 


clatter 基本解释

及物/不及物动词发出咔哒声; 嘁嘁喳喳地说笑; 使卡搭卡搭的响

名词哗啦声; 嘁嘁喳喳的谈笑声; 咔哒声

clatter 相关例句


1. clatter在线翻译

1. Don't clatter those dishes about, you'll break them.


1. During the night a metal dish was heard to clatter down the stone stairs.

2. She clattered on and on about her children.


1. clatter

1. We could hear the clatter of machinery when we were near the factory.

2. clatter的翻译

2. There was a clatter of dishes and plates in the kitchen.

clatter 网络解释

1. 哗啦声:clathrate 窗格形的 | clatter 哗啦声 | clatterer 饶舌家

2. 喧嚷:classroom register 教室日志 | clatter 喧嚷 | Claude hyperkinesis sign 克洛德运动增强症

3. clatter

3. 卡搭声;巨砾堆:Clathrostracus 细格壳叶肢介属 | clatter 卡搭声;巨砾堆 | claugh 峡谷

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 卡搭卡搭的响; 嘈杂的谈笑声:birds chattering in the trees. 鸟在树间啁啾地叫 | clatter卡搭卡搭的响; 嘈杂的谈笑声 | the clatter of the subway train.地铁列车的嘈杂

clatter 词典解释

1. (移动时)发出声响
    If you say that people or things clatter somewhere, you mean that they move there noisily.

    e.g. He turned and clattered down the stairs.

2. (硬物)发出碰撞声
    If something hard clatters, it makes repeated short noises as it hits against another hard thing.


    e.g. His hobnail boots clattered on the stone floor...
    e.g. She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer.

clatter 单语例句

1. Never gesture with your cutlery, and don't scrape or clatter it noisily.

2. The clatter that they made with their tiny tap shoes began to echo inside my head.

3. The clatter of mahjong tiles in any village is a telltale sign of mentally alert old folk.

4. What you can hear at this level is the clatter of hooves and the rattle of coaches.

5. Another unpleasant mode of expression is the clatter I endure outside my flat.

6. Nighttime mortar and rocket attacks on the base are a regular occurrence, and the clatter of gunfire is often heard at the perimeter fence.

7. Black smoke trailed from a building, as the clatter of automatic gunfire rang out.

8. The noisy clatter of construction equipment ceased briefly as crane operators stood outside their vehicles and bowed their heads.


clatter 英英释义


1. a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)

    e.g. the shutters clattered against the house
           the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones



1. make a rattling sound

    e.g. clattering dishes

    Synonym: clackbrattle

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