
clippings是什么意思 clippings在线翻译 clippings什么意思 clippings的意思 clippings的翻译 clippings的解释 clippings的发音 clippings的同义词

clippings [k'lɪpɪŋz]  [k'lɪpɪŋz] 


clippings 基本解释

剪下物( clipping的名词复数 );最低级羊毛;

clippings 双语例句

1. For example old age, lost teeth, and small burial bath when the nail clippings.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Claude had a lovely collection of used band-aids and toe nail clippings.

3. Quick-rotting shredded materials, narrow C/N ratio supplied by grass clippings, legumes, manure and amendments such as bird manure, blood meal, and maintenance of the right moisture and air by frequent turning.

4. clippings

4. You must be reading my clippings. I pay people a lot to say nice things.

5. You're something with a French provincial office or a book full of clippings.

6. You`re something with a French provincial office or a book full of clippings.

7. You`re something with a French provincial office or a bookfull of clippings.

8. clippings在线翻译

8. Near his queen-size bed he kept stacks of newspaper clippings and photographs, letters and petitions.

9. clippings的反义词

9. Soil can be naturally enriched through compost, and natural fertilizers like cut up leaves for grass clippings.

10. I like music, the movie, in particular clippings.

11. I like music, movie, especially clippings.

12. She had a box of newspaper clippings to confirm it.

13. So now you can create newspaper clippings and download them for free.

14. clippings的翻译

14. While our service provides the most thorough and accurate press clipping of online content available, the complete WebClipping. com service involves significantly more than just collecting press clippings.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. The Newspaper Clipping Generator is simple tool, to create fake newspaper clippings.

16. clippings

16. Animal slurry, food scraps or garden clippings are placed in vessels that capture the methane as they decompose, leaving nothing but liquid and solid fertiliser—which add to the emissions savings by taking the place of chemical fertilisers made from fossil fuels.

17. Working in compost, grass clippings, or manure into the bottom of your hole is also a good idea.

18. If you plan on using animal manure, which is a nutrient-rich mulch, it should be combined with other material like lawn clippings or straw.

19. I opened the drawer and saw my father for me to use the brush to prepare the exam, there is also a special newspaper clippings to relax before taking the test methods, as well as his father wrote saying: breakfast break, pay attention to the body!

20. Shall consist of clean, unalloyed, uncoated copper scrap clippings, punchings, bus bars, commutator segments and wire not less than 1/16 of the inch thick, free o burnt wire which is brittle; but may include clean copper tubing, hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.

clippings 单语例句

1. Lei said the newspaper clippings help him learn more and add color to his life.

2. The number of journalists involved in the event will have exceed 600 over the period, who together generated thousands of informative and colorful media clippings.

3. Even so, he declined a listener's request to buy the volume of paper clippings of him.

4. Lanza had attended Newtown High School, and several news clippings from recent years mention his name among the honor roll students.

5. Zhu carries with him folders brimming with legal documents, newspaper clippings and a copy of the Chinese Constitution.

6. An elderly sports fan has been collecting newspaper clippings on every Chinese Olympic champion and is making an album out of them.

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