
clubhouse是什么意思 clubhouse在线翻译 clubhouse什么意思 clubhouse的意思 clubhouse的翻译 clubhouse的解释 clubhouse的发音 clubhouse的同义词

clubhouse [ˈklʌbhaʊs]  [ˈklʌbˌhaʊs] 


clubhouse 基本解释

名词俱乐部会所,俱乐部; 运动员更衣室

clubhouse 网络解释

1. 俱乐部:在<<基督受难记>>之后,吉布森曾投身到电视制作业,在上一季推出了两部短名的剧集<<俱乐部>>(Clubhouse)和<<完全野蛮>>(CompleteSavages). 自从2002年的<<士兵宣言>>和<<天兆>>之后,吉布森除了在个别电影里客串之外,再没有作为影星演过电影.

2. 会所:[正文快照] 1前言近年来,会所(Clubhouse)作为一种建筑类型,发展很快,与之相关的休闲项目大致可归为3类(表1). 这3类休闲项目既有明显的区分,也存在相互穿插融合的情况. 一方面,诸如游泳、乒乓球等项目,既可能是运动比赛项目,

3. 会馆:球场会馆(clubhouse)建筑在山坡顶端,里头包括有一家餐厅、良好的球具专卖店与拥有美丽景观的酒吧. 球场秘书Steve Toon说:「这里不只是St Andrews唯一以同等的待遇,欢迎绅士与淑女的俱乐部;Duke同样也是高尔夫家乡仅有的稀树草原球场.

4. clubhouse的翻译

4. 俱乐部会所:clubhaul 掉转方向 | clubhouse 俱乐部会所 | clubland 俱乐部区

clubhouse 词典解释

1. (尤指体育)俱乐部会所
    A clubhouse is a place where the members of a club, especially a sports club, meet.


clubhouse 单语例句

1. That was better than going to the clubhouse to clean out his locker.

2. Americans Ben Curtis and Ryan Moore took the second round clubhouse lead.

3. Strasburg watched the selection show on a clubhouse TV but was called away by Nationals management after the first couple of pitchers were selected.

4. Blair embraced dozens of local Labour activists as he arrived to greet around 250 supporters packed into the former mining village's Labour clubhouse.

5. The latest edition is in the clubhouse at Royal Liverpool for guests to sign when they play the storied links course.

6. Overnight leader Holmes struggled in his final round with four bogeys, allowing world No 2 Mickelson to reach the clubhouse in front.

7. Residents of the project can enjoy a clubhouse with an array of amenities, in addition to intoxicating river views.

8. When Upton decided on a whim to get a Mohawk haircut last month, the fad caught on in the clubhouse.

9. Hoskins said he made the secret clubhouse recording in front of Bonds'locker in March 2003.

10. Fans lined the walkway from the clubhouse as Ramirez entered the field.

clubhouse 英英释义


1. a building that is occupied by a social club

    e.g. the clubhouse needed a new roof

    Synonym: club

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