
clucking是什么意思 clucking在线翻译 clucking什么意思 clucking的意思 clucking的翻译 clucking的解释 clucking的发音 clucking的同义词



clucking 基本解释

咯咯声( cluck的现在分词 );<俚>傻瓜,笨蛋;


clucking 网络解释

1. clucking的解释

1. 咯咯叫的:clingfilm: 用保鲜膜包裹 | clucking: 咯咯叫的 | phew: 呼一口气的声音

clucking 双语例句

1. In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and clucking

2. In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, peck ing and clucking

3. clucking

3. In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and clucking.

4. It was jet-black with a crimson wattle, and it seemed unaware that it was in New York City. In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and clucking.

5. clucking的近义词

5. The road gets cold, there's no spring in the middle this year I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears Oh, such a prima donna, sorry for myself But green, it is also summer And I won't be warm till I'm lying in your arms I see it all through a telescope: guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat Lying in the back of the blue boat, humming a tune...
    道路拿寒冷,在那里是没有春天在中央中今年我是新的小鸡咯咯叫公开心和耳朵哦,如此的主要 donna,难过的为自己但是绿色的,它也是夏天而且我将不很温暖直到我是横躺的在你双臂我见到它全部完成的一只望远镜:吉他,手提箱和一件温暖的外套横躺的在蓝色船的后面,嗡嗡叫一歌曲。。。

6. clucking什么意思

6. In the courtyard sat a clucking hen with eleven chickens; and a pretty little girl was running and jumping around them.

7. But they start dancing and flapping their arms like clucking chickens and as the chorus starts, the language of the lyrics sound mostly like barnyard noises as they squawk.

8. The hen started clucking after she laid an egg.

9. I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears.

10. I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears, %v

11. clucking

11. She went quietly and busily clucking around, laying the eggs and mothering the chickens in a kind of anxious dream that still was full of sureness.

12. It's a small joke on Hannah but a bigger one on the anxious, hovering adults who supplied the clucking soundtrack when she was growing up.

13. I was impressed by how they responded as if they were sitting round a fire listening to a tale-teller an active audience very different from our passivity: groans excitement at the right places clapping clucking their tongues.

14. The children squatted in the straw like so many clucking hens.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. They were so absorbed in the sense of being close to each other that they did not begin talking for a long while, the silence being broken only by the clucking of the milk in the tall cans behind them.

16. " You little fraud, " he said, clucking to the horse.

17. From the hen run they could hear the birds clucking over their eggs.

18. clucking的意思

18. It was nice to have a man fussing and clucking and scolding, even if it was only that old maid in pants, Frank kennedy.

19. Normally reserved, sensible adults are suddenly walking around the stage clucking like chickens or singing at the top of their lungs.

20. clucking的解释

20. The hens were clucking and scratching around.

clucking 单语例句

1. A tall man shakes fistfuls of feed on the ground for clucking chickens as dawn rises above Ganzi Tibetan prefecture in Sichuan province.

2. All this clucking sent me guiltily back to the pet store, where I was in for more surprises.

clucking 英英释义



1. the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)

    Synonym: cluck

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