
cocktail是什么意思 cocktail在线翻译 cocktail什么意思 cocktail的意思 cocktail的翻译 cocktail的解释 cocktail的发音 cocktail的同义词

cocktail [ˈkɒkteɪl]  [ˈkɑ:kteɪl] 


cocktail 基本解释

名词鸡尾酒; 混合物; 餐前开胃菜

形容词鸡尾酒的; (女服)在半正式场合穿的

cocktail 相关例句


1. The waitress brought Ellen's shrimp cocktail.

2. I never use a single worm on the hook, preferring a cocktail of worm and maggot.

3. They drank cocktails before going to the theater.

cocktail 网络解释

1. cocktail的翻译

1. 混合:而如今韩国整形外科已开发出高频疗法的升级版--高中频同步疗法,更加安全,效果更加显著,并正在开发、使用有助于大幅缩短浮肿期与恢复期的混合(cocktail)特殊溶液.

2. 花心情圣:两个来自曼彻斯特的酒保,做着平凡工作却不甘心让它乏味,原来调酒可以帅成这样,根本就是靓汤那部<<花心情圣>>(Cocktail)的真人版.

3. (半醉人間):半醉人间(Cocktail)导演:邱礼涛(Herman Yau), 晴朗(Chin Long)六个故事都 是环绕著酒而「半人间」是一间现代酒吧;老板、雇员、还有每日酒吧内所招呼著的不同酒客,每人都有自己的故事,亦望...

cocktail 词典解释

1. 鸡尾酒
    A cocktail is an alcoholic drink which contains several ingredients.

    e.g. On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail...
    e.g. ...an expert at mixing cocktails.

2. (尤指不宜搭配在一起的材料构成的)合成物,混合物
    A cocktail is a mixture of a number of different things, especially ones that do not go together well.

    e.g. The court was told she had taken a cocktail of drugs and alcohol...
    e.g. Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.

3. see also: fruit cocktail;prawn cocktail;Molotov cocktail

cocktail 单语例句


1. The Pizza Company's menu offers more than 20 different toppings, from classical Italian pepperoni and double cheese to the more unusual tropical seafood cocktail.

2. The Bali bombs were made from a cocktail made up essentially of potassium chlorate and TNT.

3. And the drink menu is as extensive as it is clever, with the strength of each cocktail indicated by its number of stars.

4. The New York Tourism Bureau will host a cocktail party on their arrival.

5. While DJs spin cool tunes or performers offer live entertainments, you can either dance the night away on the dance floor or sip a cocktail.

6. I prefer to choose my own drink when I want it, not to inhale someone else's toxic cocktail when they want it.

7. The area also abounds with good places to drink, ranging from dive bars to swank cocktail lounges and wine bars.

8. If this was the case I would be more eager to return one afternoon, preferring a coffee with my crepes to a cocktail.

9. Ho invented the AIDS cocktail therapy in 1996 to control HIV and lengthen AIDS patients'lives by combining different drugs and antibiotics.

10. Residents in Beijing may be drinking a cocktail of water in 2014 if they don't get used to the taste of water from southern China.

cocktail 英英释义


1. an appetizer served as a first course at a meal

2. a short mixed drink

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