
columnist是什么意思 columnist在线翻译 columnist什么意思 columnist的意思 columnist的翻译 columnist的解释 columnist的发音 columnist的同义词

columnist [ˈkɒləmnɪst]  [ˈkɑ:ləmnɪst] 


columnist 基本解释


columnist 网络解释

1. columnist的反义词

1. 专栏记者:17年来,他走完了一名财经记者成长的标准道路:由普通记者(reporter)到专栏记者(columnist),再到今天的高级编辑(senior ...今天脑子有些乱,也不知道写得通不通,呵呵,,不管它了?

2. 专栏作家:现代英语报刊常聘请资历深、声望高的老 记者和名记者担任专栏作家(columnist),在言论版 上辟一个专栏,每天或定期刊登他们的署名评论性 文章. 这些专栏作家不仅具有丰富的新闻工作经验、 渊博的知识和相当的专业修养,

3. columnist的近义词

3. 报刊专栏作家:Civil Engineer 土木工程师 | Columnist 报刊专栏作家 | Commentator 评论员,实况播音员

4. columnist的近义词

4. 共产党党员/专栏作家:145 J.McGregor 麥克葛瑞爾麥理覺 | 149 columnist 共產黨黨員專欄作家 | 162 Whisky 葳絲琪威士忌

columnist 词典解释

1. (报纸、杂志的)专栏作家
    A columnist is a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine.

    e.g. Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.
    e.g. ...the gossip columnists' favourite target.

columnist 单语例句


1. Other hopefuls like columnist Arianna Huffington, businessman Bill Simon and porn publisher Larry Flynt cited investments or holdings in the millions.

2. Hollywood columnist Sidney Skolsky used the name in a 1934 column in referring to Katherine Hepburn's first best actress win.

3. There's no place like San Francisco " Baghdad by the Bay, " Columnist Herb Caen used to call it.

4. I particularly enjoyed the way the columnist illustrated the psychological aspects of feeling insulated from the rest of the world in one's own vehicle.

5. He covered the 2002 World Cup as a journalist and still finds time for his day job as a columnist with a weekly sports paper.

6. I'm no love columnist but at least these four meals should be able to get you four dates - well in theory.

7. " A number of musicians became influential and successful through appearances at Newport, " according to columnist and jazz historian Stanley Crouch.

8. A Mexican columnist wrote that in the current extremely difficult time, the Mexican people feel so consoled by the support from China.

9. Mu said she quit her columnist job in early November and voluntarily shut down her Web site.

10. As a columnist and blogger, my works used to be republished on many sites without my permission.

columnist 英英释义



1. a journalist who writes editorials

    Synonym: editorialist

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