
comforted是什么意思 comforted在线翻译 comforted什么意思 comforted的意思 comforted的翻译 comforted的解释 comforted的发音 comforted的同义词



comforted 基本解释

安慰,使舒适( comfort的过去式和过去分词 );

comforted 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

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comforted 双语例句

1. comforted的意思

1. It was impossible to avoid a direct confrontation. And yet, I came away comforted.

2. Comforted by the warmth of Tzu Chi volunteers, Michelle finally breaks into a smile once again. In Santa Barbara, Tzu Chi offered cash cards to 22 households, but only 9 families accepted them.

3. comforted

3. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
    恢复本 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。

4. comforted在线翻译

4. Hearing her offensive remark, DY felt a little unhappy, but was comforted by another thought: given she was in grave danger, it was understandable that she was in a bad mood. Pity rising from his heart, DY said gently, Reflecting that two gangsters intended to kill you and only by your swift horse have I escaped the danger, I thought it was better for me to tell you to avoid them for you might not know their attack, but unfortunately late I am—they have been here.

5. I have succored the oppressed, I have comforted the suffering.

6. comforted的意思

6. I waited for you patiently, comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments, never chided you about bad decisions, and romped with glee at your homecomings, and when you fell in love.

7. And though it was a very ugly clumsy thing, when it was done, and only burnt red like other earthen ware, yet as it was hard and firm, and would draw the smoke, I was exceedingly comforted with it, for I had been always used to smoke, and there were pipes in the ship, but I forgot them at first, not knowing that there was tobacco in the island; and afterwards, when I searched the ship again, I could not come at any pipes at all.

8. comforted什么意思

8. And tho'it was a very ugly clumsy thing, when it was done, and only burnt red like other Earthen Ware, yet as it was hard and firm, and would draw the Smoke, I was exceedingly comforted with it, for I had been always used to smoke, and there were Pipes in the Ship, but I forgot them at first, not knowing that there was Tobacco in the Island; and afterwards, when I search'd the Ship again, I could not come at any Pipes at all.

9. During these hard days I have been comforted by her majesty my mother and by my family.

10. The fourth time when she committed a wrong, and comforted herself that others also commiteed wrong.

11. I waited for you patien tl y, comforted you through heartbreaks and d is appointments, never 5chided you about bad dec is ions, and 6romped with 7 gl ee at your homecomin gs, and when you fell in love.

12. Therefore, I comforted xu that time would wash away everything and change her life, so she should not despair. Maybe after several years, when she looks back to present moment, she may think it is nothing serious at all

13. comforted

13. At the same time, feel comforted and revived by its invigorating scent.

14. comforted的解释

14. When Judah was comforted, he went up to Timnah to his sheepshearers, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

15. When I used the gummi logenzes it soothed my throat and comforted me tremendously when I was sick.

16. comforted的意思

16. Sleepy kids will be whispering their own bedtime wishes every night, comforted to see their starry friend shining in Dora's nighttime sky.

17. Clytemnestra refused to be comforted, and left in hatred and disgust

18. This people fancies that it will return; after having provoked God by all its ways, it awaits and expects a time when it shall be comforted.

19. comforted

19. He was comforted by the thought that he had given Mrs Green a Roland for her Oliver.

20. Mrs. March gave the mother tea and gruel, and comforted her with promises of help, while she dressed the little baby as tenderly as if it had been her own.

comforted 单语例句

1. But traders were not comforted by the fact that Greece seemed to be working towards a resolution of its debt problems.

2. Katy Perry is being comforted by a hunky dancer following her split from Russell Brand.

3. Women wept and young victims lay groaning on the ground being comforted by rescue workers.

4. Reagan was " doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances " and was greatly comforted by the outpouring of support.

5. The counselor himself was being comforted by a teenager who had lost his mother and his arm in last year's quake.

6. Single ladies might put this in their bedrooms and be comforted by having it around.

7. Brad Pitt comforted a suicidal fan following a special screening of his new movie'Moneyball'.

8. The singer has been comforted by her father Keith Allen and brother Alfie, who have been by her side since the unfortunate incident occurred.

9. They raised funds, distributed relief supplies and comforted the young and the old.

10. Both she and another mother comforted each other by repeating the sentence, hugging each other and finally bursting into tears out of anxiety and excitement.

comforted 英英释义


1. made comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress

    e.g. the news make her feel comforted

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