
comforter是什么意思 comforter在线翻译 comforter什么意思 comforter的意思 comforter的翻译 comforter的解释 comforter的发音 comforter的同义词

comforter [ˈkʌmfətə(r)]  [ˈkʌmfərtə(r)] 


comforter 基本解释


名词安慰者; 羊毛围巾; 增加对方痛苦的安慰者; 橡皮奶头

comforter 相关例句


1. Greatest Comforter, thank you for cheering me with your deep thoughts and sweet singing.

2. She put on a comforter and went out.

3. comforter

3. Paul smoothed the comforter, adjusting it carefully about his father's neck.

4. Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow.

comforter 网络解释

1. 被:另一点我该说明的是,我们全家每年夏天都会去本州中南部阿柏那西(Appalacia)山区的宾马天体营(Pen-Mar Nudist Club)两周,享受天然无拘无束的情今夜骤然变得很冷,午夜刚过,姐姐就来到我床上,钻进我的丝绒被(Comforter)里.

2. 被子:在美国床上用品有床垫(Mattress),床罩(Fitted Sheet),床单(Flat Sheet)和被子(Comforter)这四种. 在尺寸也有明确的定义,一般是分为Twin, X-long Twin, Full, Queen, King 和 California King这六个等级. 在超市里面只要报出要购买的物品名称和尺寸等级,

3. comforter的反义词

3. 保惠师:按:保惠师(Comforter)就是圣灵(the Holy Ghost)按:所以耶稣是那灵(the Spirit)(徒 16:7),从[罗 8:9 如果神的灵住在你们心里,你们就不属肉体,乃属圣灵了.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 胖被:quilt 被子 | comforter胖被 | duvet cover被套

comforter 词典解释

1. 安慰者;给人安慰的事物
    A comforter is a person or thing that comforts you.

    e.g. He became Vivien Leigh's devoted friend and comforter.

2. 羽绒被
    A comforter is a large cover filled with feathers or similar material which you put over yourself in bed instead of a sheet and blankets.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 duvet, quilt

comforter 单语例句

1. The toy woman was supposed to be his " sex comforter ".

2. Kercher was found with a stab wound in the neck in a pool of blood under a comforter in her bedroom.

3. The bodies of his wife and daughter were found lying together in bed under a thick comforter.

4. Another way to make a guest comfortable is a day bed, which is covered with a comforter and large pillows for seating during the day.

comforter 英英释义


1. device used for an infant to suck or bite on

    Synonym: pacifierbaby's dummyteething ring

2. bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together

    Synonym: quiltcomfortpuff

3. a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies

    e.g. a reliever of anxiety
           an allayer of fears

    Synonym: relieverallayer

4. commiserates with someone who has had misfortune

    Synonym: sympathizersympathiser

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