
commentary是什么意思 commentary在线翻译 commentary什么意思 commentary的意思 commentary的翻译 commentary的解释 commentary的发音 commentary的同义词

commentary [ˈkɒməntri]  [ˈkɑ:mənteri] 


commentary 基本解释


名词解说词; 评论,评注; 注释,注解; 个人生平传记

commentary 相关例句


1. commentary的解释

1. His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio.

commentary 网络解释

1. commentary的意思

1. 释:System.Web.Mail 高级示例是一系列的代码示例,并且支持有计划的执行高级 email 操作的注释(commentary). 这里讨论的一些主题不能用 System.Web.Mail 完成, 但是为了完整我们把它们列出来, 这也是因为我曾经在各种各样的 新闻组(newsgroups)和列表(lists)看到过它们.

2. 评:2000年(NSFC)对临床医学基础学科鼓励研究的领域有期刊中的综述(review)专栏例: (中华内科学杂志)综述,述评(Commentary) :和专论(Editor)蜂毒肽(Melittin)离子跨膜转运影响在参阅大量文献的基础上,对已有的研究结果(主要有关临床治疗,

commentary 词典解释

1. (广播或电视上播出的)实况解说,现场报道
    A commentary is a description of an event that is broadcast on radio or television while the event is taking place.


    e.g. He gave the listening crowd a running commentary...
    e.g. That programme will include live commentary on the England-Ireland game.

2. 评论性文章(或著作)
    A commentary is an article or book which explains or discusses something.


    e.g. Mr Rich will be writing a twice-weekly commentary on American society and culture.

3. 讨论;评论
    Commentary is discussion or criticism of something.


    e.g. The show mixed comedy with social commentary...
    e.g. When I was able to elicit only a gentle smile, I thought perhaps this was a commentary on my humor.

commentary 单语例句


1. A senior provincial official offended by a piece of news commentary sued the author but has now dropped the lawsuit.

2. It carried the byline of two reporters and wasn't labeled as opinion or commentary.

3. It is more reminiscent of a veteran's campfire tales than a director's commentary on national ideologies.

4. " The high prevalence of obesity in this case series is striking, " the CDC's commentary accompanying the report reads.

5. A Washington Post commentary openly suggested that the objective of Obama's trip was to check China's growing influence in that part of the world.

6. A carefully designed mechanism to break the monopoly of the communications department would check corruption, says a commentary in Yanzhao Metropolis News.

7. A commentary in People's Daily last week said some media outlets still take pleasure in churning out false news.

8. The commentary also appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post.

9. Chinese scholars and officials should put forward more their own ideas and concepts, rather simply as commentary critics of Western ideas and concepts or follow suit.

10. This is a chance to steep oneself in the poetic minimalism and social commentary that made Abbas a cult figure among China's film fans.

commentary 英英释义


1. a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material

    e.g. he wrote an extended comment on the proposal

    Synonym: comment

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