
commuter train是什么意思 commuter train在线翻译 commuter train什么意思 commuter train的意思 commuter train的翻译 commuter train的解释

commuter train [kəˈmju:tə trein]  [kəˈmjutɚ tren] 

commuter train 基本解释


commuter train 网络解释

1. 市郊火车:四星级的林荫道酒店位于谷中城(Mid Valley City)内,是八打灵再也与吉隆坡的中央,而市郊火车(Commuter Train)和旅游胜地就在附近. 酒店提供两种不同的客房包括390间非吸烟和设备齐全的彩色客房. 提供的设备有游泳池和健身中心让您度过愉快的休闲时光.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 通勤火车:由选民投票通过建立的海湾运输局目前有多条的快速公共汽车线和连接艾佛瑞特 (Everett) - 西雅图 - 塔科玛 (Tacoma) 间的通勤火车 (Commuter Train).儿童医院和地区医疗中心是华盛顿州、阿拉斯加州、蒙大拿州和爱德华州的儿医中心.

3. commuter train什么意思

3. 市郊往返列车:be bound for在去...的路上;开往 | commuter train市郊往返列车 | double back把...对折;往回跑

4. 使用定期票接送上下班人员的火车:commuter time /上下班时间/ | commuter train /使用定期票接送上下班人员的火车/ | comonomer /低聚物/

commuter train 单语例句

1. Some passengers aboard the commuter train had to be freed by rescue workers using blowtorches to cut through the twisted wreckage.

2. The powerful blasts hit at the height of morning rush hour Thursday, ripping through at least one commuter train and rocking at least three stations.

3. Three people were reported dead and 23 hurt on Friday after a freight train and commuter train collided outside Los Angeles.

4. The documents belonged to a senior intelligence official in the Cabinet office and were found by a passenger on a London commuter train Tuesday.

5. The drill simulated an explosion on a commuter train in an underground tunnel and involved more than 800 first responders.

6. The commuter train line linking Paris to Charles de Gaulle airport ran limited service Friday after two trains were targeted Wednesday night.

7. Among the people unaccounted for is the driver of the train that plunged into an apartment building on a commuter route.

8. Russian President Vladimir Putin has decried a deadly bombing on a commuter train as a terrorist attack aimed at interfering with Sunday's national elections.

9. Commuter train platforms were filled, and smaller groups stood along the train tracks in between as well.

10. Police patrol a tunnel under commuter train platforms at Union Station in Los Angeles 07 July 2005.

commuter train 英英释义


1. a passenger train that is ridden primarily by passengers who travel regularly from one place to another

    Synonym: commuter

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