
complexion是什么意思 complexion在线翻译 complexion什么意思 complexion的意思 complexion的翻译 complexion的解释 complexion的发音 complexion的同义词

complexion [kəmˈplekʃn]  [kəmˈplɛkʃən] 


complexion 基本解释

名词肤色,面色,气色; 形式,局面

complexion 相关例句


1. complexion是什么意思

1. The complexion of the war was changed by two victories.

2. He has a dark complexion.

complexion 网络解释

1. complexion在线翻译

1. 面色:)不过在面色(complexion)这个字中,x转换成76. 慢慢念这个字,你就知道为什么. 至于字母q,它永远发k的音,所以转换成7. 一旦学会了一种外语,便可通过类比给学习下一种外语增加便利条件,也就是说,可以找出它们的相似和共同之处,

2. 气色:富含保养成分的新型底妆,因添加玻尿酸、维他命等讨好肤况的养分,边上妆边餵补营养,吃饱喝足的肌肤,气色(complexion)与持妆度自然大幅提升,使妆感长时间持妆不走位崩塌.

3. 皮肤,形势,外观:complex 复杂,错综的 | complexion 皮肤,形势,外观 | complicate 使复杂

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 脸色:complex variable 复合变量 | complexion 脸色 | complexity 复杂性

complexion 词典解释

1. 肤色;面色
    When you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face.


    e.g. She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.
    e.g. ...those with acne or oily complexions.

2. 性质;特性
    The complexion of something is its general nature or character.

    e.g. Every time the political complexion of the government changed, so did the defence policy...
    e.g. But surely this puts a different complexion on things.

complexion 单语例句

1. On closer inspection, she realized something was wrong with the child's complexion.

2. And faces that also appeared healthier - like those with better complexion - were also seen as more desirable in all personality traits.

3. Georgia also revealed she has to use moisturiser every day to keep her complexion fresh because her skin dries out.

4. While few can hope to better Apple's iPhone, content providers here are giving the competition a different complexion by focusing on its applications.

5. Seeing the patients on fluids and their pale complexion really hammered home to me the importance of maintaining my health.

6. Perhaps most tempting to Shanghai's fashionable set, proper hydration is essential to maintaining your complexion and fighting the visible signs of aging.

7. This dish goes very nicely with wine and is said to improve the complexion and maintain a sense of youthfulness.

8. It was a pity to see Michael Jackson do all those things to turn his complexion " white " to enhance his position in society.

9. His hair is turning grey, his complexion is a mix of dark and red due to too much suntan.

10. But my very own facial trip put a new complexion on my stereotyped notion.

complexion 英英释义


1. (obsolete) a combination of elements (of dryness and warmth or of the four humors) that was once believed to determine a person's health and temperament

2. texture and appearance of the skin of the face

3. the coloring of a person's face

    Synonym: skin colorskin colour

4. a point of view or general attitude or inclination

    e.g. he altered the complexion of his times
           a liberal political complexion

5. a combination that results from coupling or interlinking

    e.g. diphthongs are complexions of vowels


1. give a certain color to

    e.g. The setting sun complexioned the hills

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